CHEM 2211 1nd Edition Final Study Guide Lectures 1 37 The best way to study for the final exam in organic chemistry 1 is to use the ACS study guide book They are 22 dollars online or from campus in the book store or in the chemistry building on the lower floor I can give you an overview of what the important topics are for the ACS standardized test and I also have access to ACS like practice test an answers I will include in this guide The topics discussed in the ACS study guide are 1 Nomenclature 2 Structure Hybridization Resonance Aromaticity 3 Acids and bases 4 Stereoisomers 5 Nucleophile substitution and elimination 6 Electrophilic addition 7 Nucleophilic addition at carboxyl groups 8 Nucleophilic substitution at carboxyl groups 9 Enols and enolate ion reactions 10 Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution 11 Free radical substitutions and additions 12 Oxidation and reduction 13 Spectroscopy 14 Synthesis and Analysis The most important categories to the O Chem 1 exam are Nomenclature Structure hybridization resonance aromaticity Acids and bases Stereoisomers Nucleophilic substitution and elimination Electrophilic addition Spectroscopy Below I will be putting practice test for each of these categories for you to focus on and identify what you need to study more DO NOT IGNORE YOUR BOOK Doing the study guide will not be enough If you get a ACS book the practice sections explain why an answer is right but your book is your best source for understanding Use both if you miss a problem and need to figure out what you did wrong Here are links to a few other practice sites for the ACS exam http web mnstate edu jasperse Chem360 Handouts Final 20Exam ACS 360 Preview pdf https www google com search rlz 1C1CHFX enUS602US602 biw 1366 bih 667 noj 1 q organic chemistry ACS practice oq organic chemistry ACS practice gs l serp 3 728897 738693 0 739290 38 25 0 4 4 0 587 3485 2 2j1j2j3 8 0 msedr 0 1c 1 60 serp 26 12 3506 0 bKShxsjEdIA if the first link does not bring you to the PDF I have included the google page link It is the second link on the first google page Good luck everyone
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