UGA CHEM 2211 - Alkene Reactions I
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CHEM 2211 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 15 Outline of Current Lecture I Alkenes a Reactions b Flow of elections Current Lecture This lecture is mostly examples of how alkenes react and how to draw the reactions How alkenes react Remember that electron deficient atoms or molecules are attracted to electron rich atoms or molecules Electron deficient atoms or molecules are called electrophiles o Means electron loving An electrophile looks for a pair of electrons o Electrophiles are easy to spot o They have an incomplete octet o Or have a positive charge An electron rich atom or molecule is a nucleophile o A nucleophile has electrons it can share Nucleophiles usually have negative charges or electron pairs shown Electrophiles H CH3C H2 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute BH3 o BH3 has an incomplete octet Nucleophiles HOClCH3N H2 H2O The lone pairs I have put in are not in the correct places word does not allow me to move them around Just try to picture them in the right places on N they should be above the N and on the O one group should be above O and the other to the right of O Let s identify them in a reaction CH3CH CHCH3 H Br Nucleophile electrophile Now let show how this reactions would actually play out with the flow of electrons CH3CH CHCH3 H Br CH3C H CHCH3 Br H CH3CHCH2CH3 Br What is happening above Note it is hard to show this with curved arrows in word but here is a full explanation Explanation 1 The bond between H and Br is broken with the electrons form the bond going to Br a This forms a Br atoms b And H becomes H 2 H is then attracted to the double bond between C2 and C3 of the nucleophile 3 The H attached to C3 and forms a carbocation on C2 4 The Br atom with its negative charge is then attracted to the carbocation on C2 5 The final product has Br attached to C2 and H attached to C3 a this atom is symmetrical the Br could have gone to C3 and the H to C2 it would have looked the exact same

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UGA CHEM 2211 - Alkene Reactions I

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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