TAMU GENE 301 - Exam 3 Study Guide
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GENE 301 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures Definitions Recombinant DNA Bacterial plasmid DNA joined to human DNA Taq Enzyme similar to E coli DNA polymerase I but capable of withstanding boiling temperatures Enzyme used as a DNA polymerase in the PCR technique Photolyase One type of DNA repair of thymine dimmers that requires no DNA synthesis enzyme FISH Method used to determine the location of a DNA segment on chromosomes A fluorescent dye labeled primer that is known to hybridize to human DNA at only one site in the genome is used to prime human DNA in chromosomes on microscope slide for the PCR reaction A four base pair sequence GACA is used as an unlabeled return primer for this PCR reaction After 17 thermal cycles the slide is observed with a fluorescence microscope What is this process called Dideoxythymidine Compound used in preparing a sequencing gel only for the DNA run in the T lane Southern blot Technique used to transfer the DNA from an electrophoretic gel to a nitrocellulose membrane Walking DNA Process that uses segments of one DNA library to identify adjacent segments in another DNA library Nitro cellulose Absorbs the single stranded DNA eluted from a DNA electrophoresis gel in a Southern Blot RNA polymerase Enzyme that binds to the promoter site 2 3 dideoxyadenosine Used to terminate synthesis in one column of the 4 columns of a DNA sequencing gel Polymerase III Enzyme modified by recA so that it can function as a polymerase in SOS repair Translation Silencing or interfering RNA stops this processes hnRNA Enzyme used to amplify the effects of interfering RNA siRNA Used to stop translation of a specific message in eukaryotes The translation of a message can be halted and the message marked for degradation by which of the following siRNA In eukaryotes which of the following can serve to stop translation AND prevent further translation of a messenger RNA siRNA The polymerase chain reaction was run on whole human DNA using 16 different 8 base pair random sequence primers The resulting DNA fragments were separated by electrophoresis on a gel There were 60 bands on the resulting What is this process called RAPD To insert a segment of Drosophila DNA into a bacterial plasmid one needs Eco R1 restriction endonuclease and what other enzyme Ligase The polymerase chain reaction amplifies specific sequences of DNA What best describes the DNA that is amplified exponentially The DNA between the labeled primer and the return primer What is the purpose of walking two different libraries of DNA fragments To determine the order of sequences in both libraries FISH is a PCR technique that uses a DNA template the DNA obtained from A chromosome smear What would be the effect on the operation of the arginine operon negative repressible if the regulator protein were mutated so that it could not bind to arginine Constitutive synthesis A single copy of siRNA can result in the destruction of multiple copies of message What enzyme newly discovered in eukaryotes is responsible for amplifying the effect of one siRNA RDRP RNA dependent RNA polymerase A region of DNA in a particular cell synthesizes a segment of RNA that is 174 bases long and in the form of a large palindrome shRNA The RNA is transported to the cytoplasm and folds into a hairpin loop of double stranded RNA In the cytoplasm the hairpin loop is recognized by a double stranded RNA cutting enzyme dicer and is cut into 22 BP lengths When these 22 BP double stranded segments are combined with protein they function by Splicing the introns out of messenger RNA A 28 base pair probe is available that binds to only one site in a haploid human genome This probe is fluorescently labeled and is used as a primer for PCR amplification A secondary unlabeled primer with the sequence GGAGA is used The primers are combined with whole human DNA Taq and the 4 nucleotides and then the PCR reaction is cycled 20 times What would be your estimate of the average size of the fluorescently labeled segment s that will be amplified 4 5 1024 bp Assuming that the individual from which the whole DNA was taken from above is homozygous for all regions involved how many different fluorescently labeled bands are expected to be on the gel from the above experiment 1 If you wanted to produce 50 100 different DNA segments by PCR to make a DNA fingerprint of mitochondrial DNA 17 000 bp long what length of primer would you add using the same primer for both directions SPAR to accomplish this 4bp A certain strain of E coli is constitutive for the enzymes for lactose metabolism On an F plasmid you have the choice of adding one but only one element of the lac system to make the bacteria a merodiploid for that element Assume the original E coli has wild type structural loci If your goal is to determine whether the lac operon is constitutive because of a mutant regulator OR because of a mutant operator what one wild type element of the lac operon would you add using sexduction Regulator gene Assume the mutant above is a constitutive operator What phenotype would result if both a wild type operator and a wild type promoter but no other elements were added to the F plasmid Constitutive DNA Gel Questions The top is 5X because it is made of larger fragments and does not move as quickly down the gel So B is an example of a homozygous 5X A is an example of homozygous 4X and E is an example of homozygous 3X because it is the smallest fragment it moves the largest distance C is heterozygous for 4X and 3X D is heterozygous for 5X and 3X and F is heterozygous for 5X and 4X E is the correct answer to this question 1 aa Aa 2 To do question 2 you need to use the formula a q total so 1 14 20 19 2 335 100 For this start at the bottom of the gel in the picture That is the 5 so it ll be TATATGCATCACA Now you have to flip it so that it goes 3 ATATACGTAGTGT The correct answer is f 3 Determine the phenotype with respect to beta galactosidase z permease y and transacetylase a of each combination as U uninducible I inducible and C constitutive a i p o z y a i p o z y a IUI b iSp o z y a i p ocz y a UCC c For this you have to map it out and physically draw it 6 1 5 3 4 2 It ll look similar to this The answers are B and C The answer is B It s done just like the one above this

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TAMU GENE 301 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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