PSYCH 265 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 10 continued A Wind instruments 1 Wind valve 2 Cup anemometer 3 Aerovane skyvane B Local winds C Sea breeze land breeze Sea breeze Land breeze D Monsoon winds E Mountain valley breeze develop along mountain slopes Mountain breeze Valley breeze F Katabatic fall winds G Chinook winds Outline of Current Lecture II End of Chapter 9 A Santa and winds B Desert winds a Haboob b Harmattan C Dust devil whirlwind Current Lecture II End of Chapter 9 A Santa and winds Hot dry chinook like winds that blow into southern California from the East off the elevated desert plateau figure 9 29 B Desert winds a Haboob dust storm caused by downdraft of a desert thunderstorm figure 9 34 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Harmattan dust storm that develops in winter over the Sahara desert C Dust devil whirlwind Small but rapidly rotating wind develops best on clear dry hot afternoons figure 9 36
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