GEO 211 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 10 Wind Global Systems continued A Wind circulation of each hemisphere is divided into 3 distinct cells 1 Hadley cell 0 30 2 Ferrell cell 30 60 3 Polar cell 60 90 Ridge Trough Outline of Current Lecture II Jet stream A Types of jet streams B Subtropical jet stream C Polar front jet stream D Tropical easterly jet streams III Chapter 9 small scale winds and local systems Macroscale winds o Planetary scale o Synoptic scale Mesoscale winds Microscale winds E Microscale winds F Mesoscale winds G Macroscale winds H Synoptic scale weather map scale Current Lecture II Jet stream Narrower region tube like of relatively strong winds alof Usually located in upper troposphere tropopause These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The term jet stream is considered analogous to jets of water Highest speeds are at the center core called jet streak jet maximum center of jet stream A Types of jet streams Subtropical jet stream Polar front jet stream Tropical easterly jet stream B Subtropical jet stream Located at tropopause nearly 43 000 feet above the subtropical high Flow west to east in wavelike patterns Meander between 20 and 50 latitude C Polar front jet stream Located at the tropopause nearly 33 000 feet above the subpolar low Meanders between 30 and 70 of latitude Strongest in winter when temperatures are gradient are steep D Tropical easterly jet streams Develop above 15 N latitude Northern Hemisphere ONLY Stretches from Southeast Asia India and East Africa NOT around the globe Develops in summer disappears in winter Flows East to West III Chapter 9 small scale winds and local systems Macroscale winds o Planetary scale o Synoptic scale Mesoscale winds Microscale winds E Microscale winds Smallest scale of motion short lived lasting for a few minutes Ex dust devils simple gusts F Mesoscale winds Less than 100km 62 miles Ex land and sea breezes thunderstorms tornados mountains valley winds G Macroscale winds Planetary global scale Largest wind patterns Ex westerlies trade winds H Synoptic scale weather map scale Dominate a large region Including cyclones hurricanes
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