LMU NURS 115 - Syllabus

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Course Number NURS 115 Course Title Foundations of Nursing I Course Term and Year Fall 2008 Course Section NURS 115 at Harrogate St Mary s Medical Center Baptist Regional Medical Center Alcoa City Center Meeting Time and Place See attached lecture schedule for specific site information Course Credit Hours 6 credit hours FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Course Coordinator Diana R Beckner MSN RN 865 273 1541 diana beckner lmunet edu Harrogate Sonya Engle MSN RN 423 869 6692 sonya engle lmunet edu Robin Wilson MSN RN 423 869 6321 robin wilson lmunet edu SMMC Robin Zachary MSN RN 865 545 7989 robin zachary lmunet edu BRMC Melissa Humfleet MSN RN 606 523 8655 melissa humfleet lmunet edu ACC Diana R Beckner MSN RN 865 273 1541 diana beckner lmunet edu Kim Wilks MSN RN 865 273 1544 kim wilks lmunet edu I COURSE DESCRIPTION A lecture laboratory course introducing the nursing process with a focus on the development of psychomotor and psychosocial skills The Roy Adaptation Model RAM of Nursing is introduced and is utilized as basis for promotion of adaptation in human persons as evidenced in the four adaptive modes physiologic self concept role function and interdependence emphasis on beginning recognition of adaptive human responses versus ineffective responses History of nursing selected theories of nursing nursing roles and definitions of human person environment health and nursing are discussed beginning skills related to basic nursing care communication and assessment are included Clinical learning experiences occur in the campus laboratory and in structured health care facilities with adults Pre requisite Admission to the A S N program Pre or co requisite BIOL 250 INFL 100 II COURSE OBJECTIVES Students who successfully complete NURS 115 will be able to demonstrate in the clinical campus laboratory setting in individual and group conferences and on written materials the ability to 1 2 adaptation Recognize selected theories related to nursing and definitions of human person environment health and nursing Utilize Roy s Adaptation Model of Nursing RAM to promote in human persons as evidenced in the four adaptive modes physiologic interdependence role function and self concept 3 Identify adaptive human responses to behavior or stimuli that affect identified physiologic mode needs oxygenation nutrition protection senses and comfort safety activity and rest 4 Identify ethical legal principles in provision of nursing care 5 Define and differentiate nursing roles and the roles of the various members of the health care team 6 Identify and utilize basic communication skills and differentiate between therapeutic and non therapeutic communication techniques 7 Identify principles of the teaching learning process and teaching learning strategies 8 Utilize critical thinking to develop the steps of the nursing process to write a nursing care plan applying RAM and provide care to selected clients 9 Demonstrate basic assessment skills utilizing RAM 10 Demonstrate beginning level technical skill mastery and performance of basic nursing procedures with assistance 11 Recognize and utilize research on the practice and principles of nursing TEXTS MATERIALS FOR THE COURSE III Ackley B Ladwig G 2007 Nursing diagnosis handbook A guide to planning care 8th ed St Louis MO Mosby Buchholz S 2006 Henke s med math dosage calculation preparation and administration 5th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams 8 7 08 2 Wilkins Dirckx J 2005 Stedman s concise medical dictionary for the health professions 5th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Evans Smith P 2008 Taylor s clinical nursing skills A nursing process approach 2nd ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Fischbach F Dunning M 2006 Nurses quick reference to common laboratory and diagnostic tests 4th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Karch A M 2008 Lippincott s nursing drug guide Philadelphia LippincottWilliams Wilkins Lynn P 2008 Taylor s clinical nursing skills A nursing process approach 2nd ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Taylor C Lillis C LeMone P Lynn P 2008 Fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Taylor C Lillis C LeMone P Lynn P 2008 Study guide to accompany fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins IV COURSE REQUIREMENTS ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODS AND EVALUATION A Fulfill attendance requirements See LMU Nursing Student Handbook Online 20082009 1 Attendance will be taken each class period lecture exam study To be counted present the student must be present for the ENTIRE class period 2 Study labs will be provided in each ASN clinical course for faculty to expand on content presented in lecture Attendance at these study labs is mandatory for ALL students until after the first course exam After this time the study labs are mandatory 8 7 08 3 for students who do not have a course average of 83 or greater Students with course averages of 83 or greater are encouraged to continue attending the study labs Attendance will be taken at each study lab To be counted present the student must be present for the ENTIRE study lab 3 After two 2 absences lecture exam study lab in one semester it may necessitate that the student withdraw from this NURS course The student is to contact the Lead Faculty to arrange for withdrawal from this NURS course B Written Requirements 1 Tests and Examinations a Four 4 exams a comprehensive final and two 2 course assessment exams in addition to one required course assessment learning module are scheduled Test dates and times are specified on the lecture schedule Completion of ALL exams classroom and course assessment exams is required to receive credit for NURS 115 b Quizzes over the campus lab assignments will also be administered The average of these quizzes will be worth 10 of the overall grade for the course These campus lab quizzes will be administered at the beginning of the campus lab time and are considered to be part of the lab day Students can not take the lab quiz if they do not attend the remainder of the lab Students will be allowed 15 minutes to complete each quiz over the weekly campus lab assignment A dosage quiz zes will also be administered at the beginning of the scheduled campus lab time and are considered to be part of the lab day Students can not take the lab quiz if they do not attend the remainder of the lab The best dosage quiz score of 80 or

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LMU NURS 115 - Syllabus

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