MSU ISS 215 - Theoretical Discussion of Race/Ethnicity Prejudice

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I What is Race II Races around the Globe III Races in the US and Future Trends IV Historical Background Outline of Current Lecture V Theoretical Discussion VI Consequences Current Lecture Race and Ethnicity Basic Concepts Minority Disadvantaged Socially Visible Sense of common affinity Placed in Minority category by others Prejudice Rigid negative and false generalizations about an entire category of people Racism Systematic and institutionalized discrimination against one or more races Pluralism A state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct but have social parity Acculturation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Learning of the language values norms and skills of a majority population Assimilation Gradual adoption of culture of larger group leading to complete loss of distinct racial identity Generally takes three generations for full assimilation Segregation Physical and social separation of certain categories of people Create a society that cannot live together Genocide Systematic annihilation of one category of people by another Cambodia Vietnam Sri Lanka Germany Theories of Prejudice Scapegoat Theory The feelings of frustration and rage against injustices and oppression are directed to minorities Blaming others who are not at fault Authoritarian Personality Intolerant to one and all minorities Very rigid to conventional cultural values Competition and Hierarchy are considered natural No flexibility Cultural Theory Culture of Prejudice English Canadian and Scottish v French German Swedes Dutch African and Asians Conflict Theory Prejudice and economic power Oppression Elites encourage prejudice to divide the working class The Caste Analysis of Race Relations The boundaries of race are permanent Education and income cannot bridge the gap Domination Theory Noel s Theory of Ethnic Stratification Internal Colonialism When a group of people dominate another group of people Class based explanation Consequences Poverty and hunger are unevenly distributed Crime

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MSU ISS 215 - Theoretical Discussion of Race/Ethnicity Prejudice

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