ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Book Review Continued Outline of Current Lecture II What is Race III Races in the US and Future Trends IV Historical Background Current Lecture Race The social grouping of individuals in society based on skin color The future trend in the United States is that the Caucasian race is becoming less and less common while other races are becoming more common with Hispanic and Latino increasing at the greatest rate followed by African Americans Historical Background Ethnocentrism negatively labeling another race other than your own An example would be labeling Native Americans as savages animalistic heathens Cooperation and relative equality changed to domination Acquisition of native land Natives pushed into reservations Arrival of Blacks Resistance from Native Americans Need for plantations 10 million Africans were sold in Africa but only half of them arrived alive Labeling blacks as savages and animalistic Treatment by the masters was extremely cruel and with no legal rights Hispanics in America These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Most Mexicans came to the US during the 20 th century as farm labor Economic Conditions Asians in America Chinese Filipinos Japanese Indian Pakistani Korean Immigration Act of 1990 Enacted by the Bush government Quota was set to allow immigrants into the country Special quotas were set for under represented countries like Ireland for example
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