ISS 215 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 7 13 Lecture 7 February 10 Social Organizations formal and informal groups among society Established structure Coordinated Functional Activities Agents of Ordering Creation of Human Relations Predictability Social Institutions Economic Social Education Religion Social Institutions are responsible for creating inequality and passing it on through multiple generations ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS 3 main points Production of Goods Distribution Consumption Capitalism Individuals own the means of production and the one objective of this system is money Severe inequality exists in this system Socialism Government owns and controls everything including the means of production Money is not the single goal of this system inequality doesn t exist The state is responsible for the basic needs of the people Welfarism Similar goals of capitalism however the state is responsible for the basic needs of the people Globalization of Economy The economic and political interdependence of countries across the globe Lecture 8 February 12 Consequences of Capitalism Environment Degradation Economic Insecurity Social Inequality Politics of Inequality Education and Economic Inequality Legal systems and Economic Inequality Advertising and Consumerism Strengths of Capitalism Social Darwinism Lecture 9 February 17 Strengths of Capitalism Continued Competition leading to excellence Creativity Innovations and Inventions Motivation to succeed Trickle down effect Political Institutions Interrelated network or system of beliefs activities organizations and relationships that directs and regulated the collective functioning of a society or other organizations Emergence of political institutions stems from political growth and change as well as cultural growth and change Social Contract Theory Human beings who lived in small communities came into a contract with one another to make certain rules to govern themselves Thomas Hobbes John Locke Jean Rousseau Elite Theory Power in all societies is in the hands of the top few known as the elites Lecture 10 February 19 Pluralist Model Interest groups and lobbyist play a significant role in the decision making of the federal government Machialvelli 1469 1527 Suggests a cruel and brutal way of being a ruler is the most successful way to rule a society EDUCATIONAL INSUTUTIONS Social organization responsible for the transmission of knowledge from one generation to another 2 main aspects Social Biological I and Me Theory Looking Glass Theory Lecture 11 Febrary 24 Formal Education History Preindustrial Society Agricultural Society Industrial Society Functional Approach Transmission of culture Awareness Cognitive skills Screening sorting and selecting talent Discovering and inventions Discipline Conflict Perspective Promotion of conservatism and biased values Class based education Education as a commercial enterprise False Education Creation of adults who are loyal obedient submissive and with right attitude Strengthens cycle of poverty Educational institutions and women Educational institutions and race Lecture 12 February 26 National Opinion Ranking of Occupations Physicians lawyers university professor computer analysts bartenders private home cleaners farm workers janitors telephone solicitors Seven Principles of Rankings Duncan Lecture 13 March 10 Book Review Exam Topics 10 questions over economic institutions 10 questions over political institutions 10 questions over educational intuitions Davis and Moore trickle down effect Elite Model Pluralist Model Machialvelli I and Me Theory Personality Development Stages C H Cooley Formal Informal Education Assignments Chapters from Books
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