MSU ISS 215 - Book Review for Exam 2

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Socioeconomic Index for Occupations II Book Review for Exam Outline of Current Lecture III Book Review Continued Current Lecture Chapter 5 Class and Socialization Gender Socialization and Class School and Marriage Segregation by Class Friendship and Intimacy Chapter 7 Family Education and Career Peter Blau and Duncan o Father s Education o Father s Occupation o Your Education o Your First Job o Your Occupation Factors in Social Mobility o Family Background Education Socioeconomic Status Jencks o Nearly half the variance in occupational attainment comes from o Father s Occupation o Parent s Education o Income o Race College Women and Minorities o Increase in college enrollment for both These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o Significant difference in income as a result of college degree for all Degree and success not automatic Significant role of discrimination against women and minorities in hiring sales and promotions What if every high school graduate graduates from college Some Exam Topics 10 questions over economic institutions 10 questions over political institutions 10 questions over educational intuitions Davis and Moore trickle down effect Elite Model Pluralist Model Machialvelli I and Me Theory Personality Development Stages C H Cooley Formal Informal Education Assignments Chapters from Books END OF MATERIAL FOR EXAM 2 Race and Inequality What is race Social creation of arbitrary grouping of individuals in a society based on the color of their skin

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MSU ISS 215 - Book Review for Exam 2

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