Anthro2050 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Strepsirhines Outline of Current Lecture II New World Monkeys Current Lecture New World Monkeys Live in South America and a little in Central America Greater reliance on vision reduced reliance on scent characterized by reduced snout generally larger than strepsirhines and not nocturnal except for howler monkeys all have nails except for marmosets and tamarins which have re evolved claws wide spaced oval shaped nostrils that point and turn out at the sides all are arboreal they have 3 premolars versus the 2 that humans have some have prehensile tails used for gripping and are the only primates with these monkey examples that are good to focus on cebidae live in large multi female multi male groups of 25 50 sometimes up to 100 capuchins very clever and even exhibit tool usage atelidae ex howler monkeys most wide spread new world monkeys extremely loud due to a well developed hyoid marmosets and tamarins feed on saps and gums in trees which they get by chewing the trees as wells as using These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute their re evolved claws they are also polyandrous one female with several males which is rare for primates
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