RELG 102 1nd Edition Lecture 8 Current Lecture General information on Islam Third faith of Abraham 2nd largest religion in the world with about 1 5 billion followers it is growing rapidly throughout the world vast majority of Muslims are not Arabs a Muslim is someone who practices Islam issues of profiling and stereotyping Sinai Desert Egypt Tunis Tunisia Istanbul Turkey Mosque Jama Mosque India Jerusalem Israel Golden dome Built as a shrine Al Aqsa Mosque The far away mosque Where is this Mosque The old city of Jerusalem in the Jewish corner Ibn Tulun Mosque Cairo These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The world Islam means submission or surrender as in submission to the will of Allah or God Islam represents the correction or completion of other monotheistic faiths God gives each human a fixed time on earth to do what is right free will Strong monotheistic religion Allah Ones deeds are then judged in the afterlife by Allah Islam is linked strongly to is early formative history Really born in Arabia At the core of Muslim belief are the messenger and message When did Islam begin Infinity the Quran was infinitely with Allah Abraham Ishmael they built the Ka ba Muhammad s migration to Medina in CE 622 Follows a lunar calendar holiest city o Mecca Before Muhammad time of barbarism Ancient Arabians essentially practice tribal polytheism Many gods including Allah Manat Slavery women have no rights Tribal polytheism very present oriented not afterlife Yet ancient Arabia did not exist in a vacuum Monotheism was known in Arabia Jews Christians and Zoroastrian merchants Arab monotheists as well called hanifs pious ones Muhammad is one of the 5 prophets of power Abraham Moses Noah Jesus Muhammad Muhammad was a prophet like Moses o They are similar o Muhammad was the last prophet Not divine like Jesus he lived from 570 632 CE Muhammad did not start Islam he was a religious reformer Muhammad was the seal of the prophets Little is known of his early life Divine revelation occurs at age 40 Muhammad is commanded to Iqra or recite Eventually muhammad accepts the call after three years he is told to preach publically Main message La illaha illa Allah o There is no gods but god He receives revelations for the next 22 years
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