WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 1

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1 When conducting a general study of memory in human beings a scientist uses psychology undergraduates as subjects These are people who signed up to participate in the study and the scientist was sure to include an equal number of males and females Is this a random sample a Yes b No 2 A positive correlation has been found between elevated testosterone and aggression in males Based on this finding alone we expect which of the following a If we artificially decrease testosterone levels males will become less aggressive b If we artificially increase testosterone levels males will become more aggressive c If we test 2 groups of men one group with high aggression and one with low aggression we expect to find higher testosterone levels in the high aggression group d all of the above 3 A new anti anxiety drug is tested for effectiveness in a double blind study The double blind procedure is used in order to a control for the placebo effect b help eliminate bias on the part of the researchers c Choices a and b d None of the above 4 Some nursery schools also serve as research facilities Researchers watch the group of children through a window but the children can t see this researchers The children s interactions are evaluated to better understand childhood behavior This type of research is called a Naturalistic observation b Experiment c Survey d Case study 5 In a study of the effects of alcohol consumption some participants drank a nonalcoholic beverage that actually smelled and tasted like alcohol This nonalcoholic drink was a A dependent variable B replication C placebo D random sample E double blind 6 An extensive survey revealed that children with relatively high selfesteem tend to picture God as kind and loving whereas those with lower self esteem tend to perceive God as angry The researchers concluded that the children s self esteem had apparently influenced their views of God This conclusion best illustrates the danger of A perceiving order in random events B generalizing from extreme examples C randomly sampling children s views D exaggerating the extent to which others share our beliefs E assuming that correlation proves causation 7 Professor Ober carefully monitors and records the behaviors of children in their classrooms in order to track the development of their social and intellectual skills Professor Ober is most clearly engaged in A survey research B naturalistic observation C experimentation D replication 8 A hypothesis is a n A observable relationship between specific independent and dependent variables B testable prediction that gives direction to research C set of principles that organizes and explains newly discovered facts D unprovable assumption about the unobservable processes that underlie psychological functioning 9 In order to assess the influence of self esteem on interpersonal attraction researchers either insulted or complimented college students about their physical appearance just before they went on a blind date In this research the dependent variable consisted of A insults or compliments B physical appearance C interpersonal attraction D feelings of self esteem 10 The hindsight bias refers to people s tendency to A dismiss the value of replication B reject any ideas that can t be scientifically tested C exaggerate their ability to have foreseen the outcome of past events D assume that correlation proves causation E overestimate the extent to which others share their opinions 11 Contemporary psychology is best defined as the science of A conscious and unconscious mental activity B observable responses to the environment C behavior and mental processes D thoughts feelings and perceptions E maladaptive and adaptive behaviors 12 Mrs Thompson believes that her son has become an excellent student because she consistently uses praise and affection to stimulate his learning efforts Her belief best illustrates a perspective A behavior genetics B cognitive C neuroscience D psychodynamic E behavioral 13 Professor Shalet contends that parents and children have similar levels of intelligence largely because they share common genes His idea is best described as a n A theory B replication C naturalistic observation D illusory correlation E hindsight bias 14 Professor Crisman believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference enhanced the reproductive success of our female ancestors This viewpoint best illustrates the perspective A social cultural B behavioral C cognitive D evolutionary E psychodynamic 15 Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their genetic dispositions or by their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regarding A structuralism versus functionalism B rationality versus irrationality C observation versus introspection D nature versus nurture 16 The perception that seemingly infertile couples who adopt a child are subsequently more likely to conceive a child themselves best illustrates A the process of replication B random assignment C an illusory correlation D the placebo effect 17 Which perspective would be most likely to focus on the extent to which different styles of parenting are encouraged among various ethnic communities A evolutionary B cognitive C psychodynamic D social cultural E neuroscience 18 The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a n A clinical psychologist B industrial organizational psychologist C developmental psychologist D psychiatrist 19 Mrs Alfieri believes that her husband s irritability toward her results from his unconscious feelings of hostility toward his own mother Mrs Alfieri is interpreting her husband s behavior from a n perspective A evolutionary B behavioral C psychodynamic D behavior genetics 20 In a test of the effects of sleep deprivation on problem solving skills research participants are allowed to sleep either 4 or 8 hours on each of three consecutive nights This research is an example of A naturalistic observation B survey research C a case study D an experiment E correlational research 21 Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method known as A the survey B experimentation C naturalistic observation D the case study E random sampling 22 In a psychological experiment the potentially causal factor that is manipulated by the investigator is called the variable A dependent B independent C control D experimental 23 Research

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WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 1

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