MSU ISS 215 - Social Rankings in America

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Historical Background II Functional Approach III Conflict Perspective IV Book Review for Exam Outline of Current Lecture V Socioeconomic Index for Occupations VI Book Review for Exam Current Lecture National Opinion on Prestige of Occupations physicians lawyers university professor computer analysts bartenders private home cleaners farm workers janitors telephone solicitors Duncan s Socioeconomic Index for Occupations Income Education formula one without the other will not earn respect Seven Principles of Rankings o Perceptions of people o People tend to agree on the extremes more than in the middle with regards to ranking occupations o If you compare top and bottom of the list it is easier to agree on the top of the list than the bottom o People tend to put occupations that are not related to you into a large group o People in the middle and at the bottom tend to rank people in terms of money whereas people at the top tend to rank people in terms of anything except money because people at the top already have a lot of money its importance goes down so they choose to rank people by something other than money o The people at the top take into account family elites those who have been rich for generations compared to the people who are considered newly rich people These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Whenever there is mobility moving from one class to another it changes the ranking of the people Chapter 4 Wealth and Income Main Points Gradual to dramatic increase in income and wealth o System is built to help rich become richer Significant differences in standard of living o Lifestyle is much nicer None one two none job earners o Represents the correlation between number of jobs and amount of increase in wealth Government assistance jobs wealth o Giving money to the poor through welfare Occupations Women o Female headed households o Non working wives Working wives Minorities o Larger percentage of poor minorities Income and Class Structure Top and Bottom Vs Middle Chapter 5 Socialization Association Lifestyle and values Class and Socialization o Middle class parents stress on self control curiosity and consideration leading to self direction and empathetic understanding o Working class parents focus on obedience neatness and good manners leading to conformity

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MSU ISS 215 - Social Rankings in America

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