ISS 215 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Pluralist Model II Machialvelli III Educational Institutions Outline of Current Lecture IV Historical Background V Functional Approach VI Conflict Perspective VII Book Review for Exam Current Lecture Jean Piaget Sensorimotor Stage internalizing observing Preoperational Stage beginning communication Concrete Operational Stage developing skill of communication Formal Operational Stage completely developed communication skills Formal Education Historical Background Education in preindustrial society formal education did not exist Education in agricultural society Education in industrial society Earliest formal education that existed was formal education These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Functional Approach Transmission of culture Awareness Cognitive skills Screening sorting and selecting talent Educational institutions are used to sort students into groups into which they would preform better Discovering and inventions Discipline Conflict Perspective Promotion of conservatism and biased values Class based education Education as a commercial enterprise False Education Hidden Agenda Creation of adults who are loyal obedient submissive and with right attitude Won t fight against a society that he she is working for Will conform to the need and wants that large corporations are looking for to get hired Strengthens cycle of poverty Educational institutions and women Educational institutions and race Book Review American Class Structure Chapter 1 Karl Marx o Communist Manifesto book written by Karl Marx o Bourgeoisie Proletariat o Mode of production o Superstructure when superstructure changes mode of production changes o Feudalism o Capitalism Max Weber o Class economic estimation of your ranking in society celebrity o Status social estimation of your ranking in society religious leader Ten Variables o Occupation o Wealth o Income o Poverty o Prestige o Association o Socialization o Social Mobility o Power o Class Consciousness American Class Structure Chapter 2 W L Warner Coleman and Rainwater National Opinion Duncan s Model Seeven
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