Fall 2001 CHEMISTRY 14BL LAST DAY TO DROP 14BL October 12 Laboratory Schedule SAFETY GLASSES LAB APRONS OR LAB COATS AND CLOSED TOE SHOES MUST BE WORN IN THE LABORATORY AT ALL TIMES FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN DISMISSAL FROM THE LABORATORY For Laboratory Periods on Laboratory Assignment Videotape Assignment1 Related Text Materials2 Prelab Report 3 Due Date Postlabs Due Date3 9 25 9 28 Safety Video Lockers Check in MSDS workshop Handout 5805 Safety 4 19 P NONE NONE 10 2 10 5 1 Pipets and Graphing 5806 Use of a Pipet 512 520 P 10 2 10 5 10 9 10 12 10 9 10 12 3a Vinegar A Study of a Weak Acid and its Buffers 5801 Use of a Buret 5802 Solution Preparation 445 468 AJ 10 9 10 12 Same due date for both postlab 10 16 10 19 3b Vinegar A Study of a Weak Acid and its Buffers 499 521 AJ 10 16 10 19 10 30 11 2 10 23 10 26 EXCEL Workshop Handout NONE NONE 10 30 11 2 2 Solutions Concentrations Detectability 5802 Solution Preparation F43 F49 AJ 10 30 11 2 F56 F69 AJ Chemtech Jul 85 p431 433 11 6 11 9 11 6 11 9 4a Aspirin Synthesis 3135 Recrystallization GraphLab4 100 101 P 11 6 11 9 545 555 558 566 P 11 13 11 16 11 13 11 16 4c Aspirin Analysis by Colorimetry and Melting Point 3138 Melting Point Determination 5804 Spectrophotometric Analysis 351 353 AJ 11 13 11 16 12 4 12 7 NONE NONE 11 20 11 23 NO LABS 11 27 11 30 Mastering Chemistry Workshop Preparation for final exam 12 4 12 7 Lab Clean Up Attendance is required 576 582 A58 P NO LABORATORY WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 5 00 PM Friday December 7 2001 1 Videotapes are available in Powell 270 or on the WWW http www oid ucla edu Webcast Chemistry index html You are to view these programs except 5805 and 5806 before your lab section meets 2 Reading assignments are from Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight Atkins and Jones AJ and or Organic Laboratory Techniques Pavia P You may however use any general chemistry textbook that you have for review of the appropriate topics 3 Prelab reports are due at the beginning of your regularly scheduled lab period Postlab reports are due at the end of your regularly scheduled period listed under Due Date 4 This computer tutorial is in the Science Learning Center Young Hall Rm 4335 and 4336 Chem 14BL Mastering Chemistry Software This is an excellent chemistry resource for those of you who want to review and practice more chemistry problems It will help you to prepare for the exams NOTE ONE question on EACH exam will be based directly from the software and also help you to understand some basic concepts behind the experiment Mastering Chemistry software is developed by Professor Wegner from California State University Fullerton The software is available on the Internet Note the software can only run on PCs equipped with Netscape browser the software does not run on Mac To access Mastering Chemistry go to either room 1054 or 4335 or 4336 Young Hall Logon to the computers by using your first initial and your last name as your login name example login name for Joe Bruin is jbruin The password is your student ID If you have trouble logging on to the computers ask the staff for help Once you logged on open up the Netscape browser the software may not run properly on Internet Explorer and go to the following web site http ffc chem ucla edu mcweb Click on the Go to Sign Up icon for students if you are first time using the Mastering Chemistry software At the end of the registration process you will be asked to enter the course name The course name is 14blf01 ALL LOWER CASE LETTERS You will also be asked to enter the course password this is not the same as your user password Enter 142117200 Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the registration process You may also run the software directly from home by going to the same web site However in order to run Mastering Chemistry properly on your OWN computer you will need to download some shareware from the web click on Downloads on the left hand column of the MC login page Follow instructions on screen to complete all the necessary downloads If you are using the computers located in rooms 1054 or 4335 or 4336 Young there is NO NEED to download any software Login name and password are required to logon to the computers in Young Hall Once you have successfully logged on to the Mastering Chemistry Software a list of topics will display on the screen Approximately two weeks before the midterm and or final I will announce in class which topics need to be finished before the exam Note There will be TAs holding office hours in 1054 Young to answer any questions with regard to 14BL and or Mastering Chemistry Software
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