TAMU POLS 207 - Liberalism
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POLS 207 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture II Role of the Government III Role in Economy A Socialism 1 argument for socialism 2 argument against socialism B Capitalism 1 argument for capitalism 2 argument against capitalism IV Role of government in society A Social freedom B Social order C Political ideology D Economic issues E Social issues Outline of Current Lecture V Liberalism VI conservatism VII social darwinism VIII Chapter 4 A how government evolved Current Lecture The two most common ideologies are liberalism and conservatism o More related to the western world Conservatism o Keep things the same No change These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Liberals o Force government to have a free market economy o Small government Individualistic Culture o Do it on your own Collectivistic Culture o Do it with help o Old culture o Based on old culture of hunting gathering Social Darwinism o If you are successful it is because you have all the characteristics needed to succeed o If you fail it is because you are lazy o Massachusetts is the most liberal state o There were more people calling themselves Conservatives in each state than liberal o In 2012 this changed o In state house in Texas because our numbers are so close they are extremely competitive o BOTH house and senate are controlled by the republican Party control of Legislature o The in house parties are in charge of drawing up the voting districts Gerry Mandarin Democrats in the Population and State House 2013 Institutional differences among the states o Length of Sessions in states legislature o Voting methods We as Texans submit more bills than excepted reasons why we should pity the poor Chapter 4 Government evolved from a no government period in 2 1850 o Where city provided government services to the city Lead to state s help o After state came to help they took over Lead to great depression o 1932 great depression was still there Lead to an era where feds have more power o No Government was considered a period of land of empty spaces From 1776 1850

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TAMU POLS 207 - Liberalism

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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