MSU ISS 215 - Intro to Educational Institutions

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ISS 215 Fayyaz Hussain Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Strengths of Capitalism II Political Institutions III Elite Theory Outline of Current Lecture IV Pluralist Model V Machialvelli VI Educational Institutions Current Lecture Pluralist Model Suggests that interest groups and lobbyists who do not represent any political party play a significant role in decision making process at local and national level Lobbyists promote your agenda to the federal government Machialvelli 1469 1527 Mercy Faith Integrity Humanity and Religion should be used as tools Say you use them even if you don t Use of force and cruelty to maintain order If you re in the ruling class you must use brutal force to protect your power Avoid Neutrality If you belong to some political ideology stand on your principles and stick to them and you will have followers that have the same ideas Viciousness Greed Cruelty and Lust These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Game of power Cunning like a fox and forceful like a lion Have to be tactful Use of threat of attack by outsider to rule As a ruler try to scare people of outside attackers and they will accept whatever you tell them Conflict Perspective Politics is in the hands of the wealthy Educational Institutions Educational institutions are social organizations responsible for transmission of knowledge skills beliefs and values from one generation to another Socialization Process of learning through informal education Biological Bases of Socialization Instincts Childhood dependence Capacity to learn Language I and Me Theory I is conscious spontaneous and creative part of the self This portion of personality provides pain and pleasure The me arises from social interaction The me makes one aware of how one appears to others Looking Glass Theory In public we portray ourselves as something we want other people to receive whereas in private we show our real selves

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MSU ISS 215 - Intro to Educational Institutions

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