MSU ISS 215 - Political Institutions

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ISS 215 Fayyaz Hussain Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Globalization of Economy II Socioeconomic Consequences of Capitalism Outline of Current Lecture III Strengths of Capitalism IV Political Institutions V Elite Theory Current Lecture Strengths of Capitalism Social Darwinism Competition leading to excellence Creativity Innovations and Inventions Motivation to succeed Trickle down effect not necessarily benefitting those in the US because jobs are being offered elsewhere Political Institutions What are political institutions Interrelated network or system of beliefs activities organizations and relationships that directs and regulated the collective functioning of a society or other organizations Emergence of Political Institutions Population Growth Urbanization Population leads to urbanization and urbanization leads to societies Cultural Heterogeneity Creates more need for formal political institution Intensive Agriculture Requires new technology or other things that can increase production Industrial Division of Labor Creates individuals who are not equal Diversity Anonymity Individualism Political systems are used now to fulfill the needs that the community used to These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Cultural Defense Emotional attachment with homeland Components and Functions Components State Government Political Parties Functions External Protection Internal disorder Protection against natural disorder Economic Support Benefic Allocation Public Services Legitimacy Promotion Theoretical Discussion Social Contract Theory Human beings who lived in small communities came into a contract with one another to make certain rules to govern themselves Thomas Hobbes believes in a pessimistic picture of human beings acting similar to animals John Locke Born with nothing a clean slate and societies create its own individuals Jean Rousseau By nature we are nice and loving but society creates a situation where we depend on qualities that Thomas Hobbes defines us by Elite Theory Social Power in al societies is in the few hands known as elites o Ex Feudalism has landlords Elites control the major resources Elites always endeavor to protect and preserve their power They use means to rule the society They are usually invisible in large societies and complex governments Dramatic social changes are always restricted by the elites o Elites don t like social change because that means the possibility of losing power

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MSU ISS 215 - Political Institutions

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