TAMU POLS 207 - role of the government
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POLS 207 9TH Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Purposes of government A Provide public services B Promote equality II Role of the government A Totalitarian B Monarchy C Anarchy Outline of Current Lecture III Role of the Government IV Role in Economy A Socialism 1 argument for socialism 2 argument against socialism B Capitalism 1 argument for capitalism 2 argument against capitalism V Role of government in society D Social freedom E Social order F Political ideology G Economic issues H Social issues Current Lecture The Role of the Government o Totalitarianism government should have unlimited power o Anarchy no government Role in economy o Socialism government owns the basic goods and services provided to members of the society Government owning universities and kids going to college public education is a socialistic principle These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Ideal of education is to equalize society by providing everyone with public education Gov owns businesses to create equality o Capitalism individuals own the basic goods and services provided to members of the society and do with them what they please o As resources become more abundant and society becomes more civilized government moves closer and closer to socialism It works much better under these circumstances o To be the most efficient producer means to make the most profit Minimum wage is a market intervention because now they have to raise the price for business People are willing to do almost anything to maximize the profit including pollution o Argument for socialism Labor in the market system becomes less and less valuable as it becomes more productive o Argument against socialism When everything is divided equally there is no incentive for the individual to produce o Argument for capitalism It maximizes economic growth and promotes freedom of individual wealth o Argument against capitalism It leaves less intellectually and socially privileged without means for quality of life Role of government in society Freedom order Social freedom o Places a high value on individual liberties even at the expense of having an orderly society Social order o Places a high value on public stability and decency even at the expense of individual freedom Political ideology Liberal Conservative Economic issues T A Social Issues A T Political ideology 2 Diminsionsal Liberal Conservative Equality Efficiency It is often the case that the dimensions are not consistent with one another In other words if a person values social freedom they will not necessarily value equality also GO BY ACADEMIC DEFINITIONS NOT BY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE

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TAMU POLS 207 - role of the government

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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