TAMU POLS 207 - Purposes of the government
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POLS 207 9TH Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture II Politics among the States III Texas political culture A Concepts of political culture B Individualistic political culture C Moralistic political culture D Traditionalist political culture IV Texas use of culture A Social conservatism B Economic conservatism Outline of Current Lecture V Purposes of government A Provide public services B Promote equality VI Role of the government C Totalitarian D Monarchy E Anarchy Current Lecture Purposes of government o Maintain order o Least debated purpose of government Establish law to preserve life and protect property Provide public goods o Semi debatable point of government o Benefits and services available and beneficial to everyone externalities Education Sanitation o Benefits in the market is unable to provide Street lights Parks Utilities Promote equality These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o o o Most highly debatable purpose of government Help the poor newest and most controversial use of government Health care is so high because of emergency funds Promote equality by providing public education Brown vs board of education promoting equality b desegregating Civil rights act of 1954 cannot discriminate against race or gender Women benefited most from the civil rights act of 1964 o Legacy admission if father was an aggie you would be excepted even though your scores for exams would be lower Role of the government Totalitarian Anarchy Totalitarian government should have unlimited power Hitler with Nazis Stalins with communist Russia o Monarchy government and elite make all the decisions for the country Anarchy no government power no government Role of government in the economy Socialism capitalism

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TAMU POLS 207 - Purposes of the government

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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