TAMU POLS 207 - PoloticS Among The States
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POLS 207 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I EXAM LAST CLASS PERIOD Outline of Current Lecture II Politics among the States III Texas political culture A Concepts of political culture B Individualistic political culture C Moralistic political culture D Traditionalist political culture IV Texas use of culture A Social conservatism B Economic conservatism Current Lecture Chapter 3 Politics among the States Texas political culture o The concept of political culture o Political culture is shares framework of values beliefs and habits of behavior in regard to Gov an politics o Texas political culture is distinctive for variety of reasons States great size and relative geographic isolation until the 20th century are important factors Texas was an independent republic before joining the US The mixture of the old south and the west of the frontier contribute to the states distinctiveness o Strong sense of loyalty to Texas o States rights over federal rights o Brown vs Board of Education 1955 desegregation Federal government telling states what to do and actually being right for once o Desegregation protest is the most obvious protest to federal Gov telling states what to do These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The concept of political culture o Though some Texans particularly AA and Mexican tend to be separate from the political culture of the dominant Anglo majority history and political institutions have shaped the assumptions that most Texans bring to politics o The intense patriotism of Texas is shaped b the myth that Texas is the most wonderful place to live that ever existed on the planet o The experience shared with other southern states of slavery defeat in civil war and post war occupation and denying AA full citizenship undergird the states conservative political culture o Reinforcing the states southern culture conservations is an extreme individualism derived from the myth of the frontier o Based on the cultural patterns of the 50 states identified by Daniel Elazar Texas is located at the midpoint between traditionalist and individualist political cultures o Black codes rules or laws created by southern states as segregation rules Individualistic political culture o It is an approach to the Gov and politics that emphasizes private initiative with minimum Gov interferences o This political culture stresses the importance of the individual and private initiative o It emphasizes a role of Gov limited to protecting individual rights ensuring that social and political relationships are based on merit rather that tradition family ties or personal connections Moralistic political culture o It is an approach of government and politics in which people expect government to intervene in the social and economic affairs of the state promoting the public welfare and advancing the public good o This political culture regards participation in political affairs as one s civic duty Traditionalist political culture o It is an approach to Gov and politics to see the whole role of Gov as the preservation of tradition and existing social order o In this view Gov leadership lies in the hand of the established social elite and the level of participation by ordinary citizens in the policy making process is relatively low o According to this culture the role of the Gov is to protect and preserve the existing social order Texas political culture o Traditionalist and individualistic political cultures o Texas traditional political culture is represented by the states long history of one party rule low levels of voter turn out and social economic conservatism o Texas individualist political culture is represented in the states strong support for the private businesses opposition to big Gov and faith in individualist initiatives o Political culture is a useful concept because it focuses on a states history and development as important factors influencing politics and policy Social conservatism political ideology that focuses on the preservation of what are seen as traditional values The accepted goals and ideologies related to preserving traditions and morality often vary from group to group within social conservatism Economic conservatism politicoeconomic philosophy with regards towards fiscal policy and the advocating of fiscal responsibility Fiscal conservatives advocate and often consider avoiding deficit spending and the reduction of overall government spending and national debt as well as ensuring balanced budget of paramount importance Fiscal conservatives would also support pay as you go financial policies Separate economic system from political system Freest market economy in the world is Hong Kong in capitalist region in china Second freest is Singapore allowing market to work themselves out

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TAMU POLS 207 - PoloticS Among The States

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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