LMU NURS 115 - Lesson Plan: Protection

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1 Lincoln Memorial University Caylor School of Nursing Nursing 115 Fall 2008 UNIT V LESSON PLAN Protection DATES TIMES See Class Schedule OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this unit the student will be able to demonstrate in the clinical campus laboratory setting in individual and group conferences and on written materials the ability to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Differentiate between medical and surgical asepsis Identify the body s normal defenses against infection Differentiate the symptoms of localized and systemic infections Describe the characteristics of each link of the infection chain Identify patients most at risk for acquiring an infection Explain conditions that precipitate the onset of nosocomial infections Describe nursing interventions designed to break each link in the infection chain Utilize the nursing process to develop a plan of care for a patient at risk for developing an infection Describe the guidelines for surgical asepsis Utilize therapeutic communication techniques in meeting the needs of patients having protection needs Describe psychosocial considerations for a patient with protection needs Identify the physiologic action use side effects and nursing implications of the drugs used in pharmacological management of protection needs Apply the nursing process as it relates to medical asepsis Identify the factors that contribute to pressure ulcer formation Recognize and utilize nursing interventions to prevent and treat pressure ulcers Discuss appropriate nursing care for a patient receiving heat and or cold therapy Describe the factors affecting skin integrity Discuss the proper selection and use of the various wound dressings 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOPICAL OUTLINE I 8 08 Asepsis and Infection Control A Assessment of stimuli and behavior related to infection 1 Medical asepsis 2 Surgical asepsis 3 Body s defenses against infection 4 Chain of infection 5 Course of infection 6 Assessment of wound site 7 Assessment of laboratory data B Nursing diagnoses related to infectious processes C Expected outcomes related to infectious processes 2 D E F Implementation of nursing care for the patient experiencing an infectious process 1 Asepsis a Medical b Surgical 2 Types of bacteria a Resident b Transient 3 Cleansing agents a Soaps detergents b Antibacterial Antimicrobial 4 Sterilization Disinfection 5 Personal Protective Equipment PPE 6 CDC guidelines 7 Prevention of nosocomial infections a Types of resistant organisms b Protection of patient 8 Nursing care of patient with nosocomial infection 9 Teaching related to infection control Evaluation of interventions for adaptive responses Documentation II Pharmacological Management A Antibiotics 1 Cephalosporins 2 Fluoroquinolones 3 Macrolides 4 Penicillins 5 Sulfonamides 6 Tetracyclines B Antivirals C Antifungals D Anti infectives III Skin Integrity and Wound Care A Integumentary system 1 Structure of skin 2 Functions of skin 3 Factors affecting skin integrity 4 Wound classification B Assessment of stimuli and behavior related to skin alterations 1 Phases of wound healing 2 Factors affecting wound healing 3 Wound complications a Infection b Hemorrhage c Dehiscence d Evisceration e Fistula formation 8 08 3 4 B C D E F Factors in pressure ulcer development a Pressure b Friction c Shear 5 Risks for pressure ulcer development a Immobility b Nutrition hydration c Moisture d Mental status e Age 6 Staging of pressure ulcers 7 Wound pressure ulcer assessment 8 Types of wound drains Nursing diagnoses related to skin alterations Expected outcomes related to skin alterations Implementation of nursing care for the patient experiencing skin alterations 1 Prediction of pressure ulcers risk assessment scales 2 Prevention of pressure ulcers 3 Wound dressings a Selection b Application c Removal 4 Additional techniques a Vacuum Assisted Closure VAC b Pouching c Growth factors d Oxygen therapy e Surgery f Heat and cold therapy 5 Care of sutures staples 6 Patient education Evaluation of interventions for adaptive responses Documentation REQUIRED READINGS Fischbach F Dunning M 2006 Nurses quick reference to common laboratory and diagnostic tests 4th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins pp 208 215 289 290 494 495 573 588 Karch A 2008 2008 Lippincott s nursing drug guide Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins TBA Readings applicable to the drug categories in II listed above Taylor C Lillis C LeMone P Lynn P 2008 Fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins chap 27 38 8 08 4 Taylor C Lillis C LeMone P Lynn P 2008 Study guide to accompany fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Readings to coincide with above chapters CLINICAL SKILLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Utilize principles of medical asepsis in the provision of patient care Utilize principles of surgical asepsis in the provision of patient care Demonstrate proper handwashing technique Assess assigned patients for data pertaining to their basic need for protection Demonstrate proper application of heat and cold therapies Demonstrate safe effective administration of medications utilized to treat infections 7 Perform suture staple removal HANDOUTS 1 Medications utilized to treat infections including antibiotics antifungals antivirals and anti infectives 2 Wound dressing handout See list of products attached Complete handout to be forthcoming 8 08 5 Class Examples Indications for Use Cephalosporins 1st Generation cefazolin Ancef cepalexin Keflex 2nd cefaclor Ceclor 3rd ceftriaxone Rocephin ciprofloxacin Cipro levofloxacin Levoquin Antibiotic Treatment of various infections such as OM pneumonia UTIs Periop prophylaxis Antibacterial Effective against gram negative bacteria Macrolides azithromycin Zithromax clarithromycin Biaxin erythromycin E mycin Penicillins Sulfonamides Fluoroquinolones 8 08 MOA Mechanism of Action Bactericidal Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall causing cell death in susceptible bacteria Common Side Effects Nursing Implications Nausea and vomiting diarrhea anorexia abdominal pain flatulence rash fever pain phlebitis Superinfections Take full course of tx Take with food Avoid alcohol while taking and for 3 days after Report serious diarrhea Bactericidal Interferes with DNA replication of gram negative bacteria Headache dizziness insomnia somnolence fatigue nausea diarrhea photosensitivity Elevated BUN AST ALT serum creat and Alkaline phosphatase decreased

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LMU NURS 115 - Lesson Plan: Protection

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