Spring 2003 CHEMISTRY 14BL LAST DAY TO DROP 14BL April 11 Laboratory Schedule SAFETY GLASSES OSHA APPROVED LAB APRONS OR LAB COATS AND CLOSED TOE SHOES MUST BE WORN IN THE LABORATORY AT ALL TIMES FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN DISMISSAL FROM THE LABORATORY For Laboratory Periods on Laboratory Assignment Videotape Assignment1 Related Text Materials2 Prelab Report 3 Due Date Postlabs Due Date3 4 1 4 4 Safety Video Lockers Check in MSDS workshop Handout 5805 Safety 4 19 P page A3 A8 AJ NONE NONE 4 8 4 11 1 Pipets and Graphing 5806 Use of a Pipet 512 520 P 4 8 4 11 4 15 4 18 4 15 4 18 2 Solutions Concentrations Detectability 5802 Solution Preparation 5804 Spectrophotometric Analysis p F66 F70 AJ 4 15 4 18 p 168 169 AJ 4 22 4 25 4 22 4 25 3a Vinegar A Study of a Weak Acid and its Buffers 5801 Use of a Buret p 579 603 AJ 4 22 4 25 page F108 F112 AJ 5 13 5 16 4 29 5 2 EXCEL Workshop Handout 5 6 5 9 3b Vinegar A Study of a Weak Acid and its Buffers 5 13 5 16 4a Aspirin Synthesis 3135 Recrystallization 100 101 P 5 13 5 16 545 555 558 566 P 5 20 5 23 5 20 5 23 4b Aspirin Analysis by Titration and Melting Point 3138 Melting Point Determination 576 582 A58 P 5 20 5 23 p F114 F117 AJ 5 27 5 30 5 27 5 30 Chemical Kinetics Handout Chapter 13 AJ 6 3 6 6 6 3 6 6 LAB CLEAN UP IN LAB FINAL EXAM COVER ALL EXPERIMENTS NO MAKE UP EXAM F88 F93 AJ NONE NONE 5 6 5 9 5 13 5 16 5 27 5 30 NO LABORATORY WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 5 00 PM Friday June 6 2003 1 Videotapes are available in Powell 270 or on the WWW http www oid ucla edu Webcast Chemistry index html You are to view these programs except 5805 and 5806 before your lab section meets 2 Reading assignments are from Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight Atkins and Jones 2nd Edition AJ and Organic Laboratory Techniques Pavia P You may however use any general chemistry textbook that you have for review of the appropriate topics 3 Prelab reports are due at the beginning of your regularly scheduled lab period Postlab reports are due at the end of your regularly scheduled period listed under Due Date
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