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PSYCH 281 Lesson 2 1 of 8 Lesson 2 Introduction and History of I O Psychology Assigned Readings Required 1 SIOP Go to the SIOP homepage at www SIOP org Click on the tab About us and follow the pop up menu item labeled What is I O Psychology and open the html version of the brochure Building Better Organizations Industrial Organizational Psychology in the Workplace Then go back to the About Us tab and read the mission statement for SIOP Note Always contact your instructor if the URLs for any readings are not working HINT This reading will help you answer an important quiz question s It will also help you complete this week s activity 2 Guidelines for Education and Training at the Doctoral Level in Industrial Organizational Psychology Follow the menu link on the SIOP home page www SIOP org for educators on the left hand side of the screen Then click on Ph D Guidelines in I O Psychology The portion of this article that is important to read carefully begins with table 1 Areas of Competence to be Developed Following this table are brief 1 paragraph descriptions of the main areas of focus for I O Psychology many of which we will cover briefly in the course The direct link for this article is http www siop org PhDGuidelines98 aspx HINT This reading may help you answer an important quiz question s 3 Ryan A M 2003 Defining ourselves I O psychology s identity quest The IndustrialOrganizational Psychologist 41 1 21 33 http www siop org tip backissues July03 pdf 411 021to033 pdf This article can also be found by going to the publications tab off the SIOP home page clicking on the first link for TIP then clicking on the link for back issues of TIP find July 2003 then the title of the article Defining Ourselves I O Psychology s Identity Quest PSYCH 281 Lesson 2 2 of 8 HINT This reading will help you be more informed during your discussion session for this week for which your input is graded Supplemental optional 1 For information about the American Psychological Association APA or American Psychological Society APS go to the following sites www apa org www psychologicalscience org 2 For information about fields related to I O psychology go to the following sites www aom pace edu Academy of Management AOM www shrm org Society for Human Resource Management SHRM 3 For more about the history of SIOP see the following article Katzell R A Austin J T 1992 From then until now The development of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in the United States Journal of Applied Psychology 77 803 835 Lesson Overview A What is I O psychology 1 What do I O psychologists do 2 How are they trained 3 The I and O distinction 4 The Scientist Practitioner model B History of the Field C The importance of I O psychology 1 How does I O psychology contribute to society 2 How is I O psychology different from other business related fields PSYCH 281 Lesson 2 3 of 8 Lesson Commentary What is Industrial and Organizational Psychology In PSY 002 you learned that psychology was the scientific study of thinking and behavior Industrial and Organizational I O Psychology is the application of psychology to the workplace In other words the scientific study of thinking and behavior at work What does that mean concretely What is it that I O psychologists do I O psychologists study and help implement behavior in organizations such as selecting employees training them appraising their performance as well as programs that help improve the motivation and work attitudes of employees Approximately of all I O psychologists work in academic or research settings and in work settings or full time practice More about this below How are I O Psychologists trained I O Psychologists are trained in graduate school at the masters or doctoral level The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology the professional organization to which most I O psychologists belong lists 25 core competencies that should be developed during one s doctoral training 1 Consulting and Business Skills 2 Ethical Legal and Professional Contexts of I O Psychology 3 Fields of Psychology 4 History and System of Psychology 5 Research Methods 6 Statistical Methods Data Analysis 7 Attitude Theory Measurement and Change 8 Career Development 9 Consumer Behavior 10 Criterion Theory and Development 11 Health and Stress in Organizations 12 Human Performance Human Factors 13 Individual Assessment 14 Individual Differences 15 Job Evaluation and Compensation 16 Job Task Analysis and Classification 17 Judgment and Decision Making 18 Leadership and Management 19 Organizational Development 20 Organizational Theory 21 Performance Appraisal and Feedback 22 Personnel Recruitment Selection and Placement 23 Small Group Theory and Team Processes 24 Training Theory Program Design and Evaluation 25 Work Motivation PSYCH 281 Lesson 2 4 of 8 For explanations of each of these areas see www SIOP org In the left hand menu choose Education Training and then Other Education Materials then PhD Guidelines Here s a little I O trivia that can make you proud to be a Penn Stater According to the special edition of U S News and World Report Pennsylvania State University s Graduate Program in Psychology ranks 3rd in the nation These rankings were based on the reputation of national programs as rated by the chairs of psychology programs across the country I versus O The above core competencies can be roughly categorized as either industrial psychology or organizational psychology hence the name of our field The table below provides an example of where some of the above categories would be placed In general industrial psychology focuses on the measurement of job requirements and individuals knowledge skills abilities and performance so as to match individuals with suitable jobs Organizational psychology is more theoretical and considers psychological processes such as motivation and work attitudes Organizational psychologists also study phenomenon that occur at a level higher than the individual such as group and organizational climate as well as organizational change and development Studying phenomena at these higher levels of analysis or focus is called macro research while studying phenomenon that occur at an individual level is called micro research Traditionally micro level of analysis Measurement Oriented INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY Job Analysis Motivation Work Attitudes Selection and Placement Leadership Training Culture and Climate Performance Appraisal Organizational Development

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