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Chapter 11 various life domains Stress any force that pushes a psychological or physical function beyond its range of stability producing a strain within the individual Strainundesirable personal outcomes resulting from the combined stressful experiences of Demand control modelstress is a function of the psychological demands of work and the amount of decision latitude control that employees are provided Examples of intrinsic work factorspoor working conditions low lighting excessive noise and poorly designed office space Role a set of behaviors expected of a person who occupies a particular position in a group Role ambiguity a situation that results when role expectations are unclear and employees are therefore unsure of what is expected of them Role conflict a situation that results when role expectations are inconsistent as when a supervisor sends employees mixed messages about their roles Role overload employees have too much to do Sexual harassment unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature Quid pro quo this for that giving goods in exchange for others Hostile work environment nude pictures sexual innuendos inappropriate comments Burnout a condition that occurs when employees become so stressed they experience emotional exhaustion depersonalization sense of reduced personal accomplishment How task complexity influences the relationship between stressors and task performance Hardinessfeeling of control in life committed to family and work goals values see unexpected change as a challenge Locus of control and reactions to stress Coping efforts that help people manage or reduce stress Problem focused behaviors or actions targeted toward solving or handling the stress inducing problem itself stress inducing events Emotion focused cognitive thought related strategies that minimize the emotional effects of Primary prevention strategies eliminating stressor from work environment Secondary prevention strategies involves modifying responses to inevitable demands or stressors Tertiary prevention strategiesfocused on healing negative effects of stressors Employee assistance programscounseling provided by an organization to deal with workplace stress alcohol or drug difficulties and problems stemming from outside of the job Work family conflict WFC two domains don t fit well together and results in one role having a negative effect on the other Work family enrichment attitudes and behaviors are believed to have a positive carryover from one domain to the other traditionally called spillover Chapter 12 outcomes task goals Work group an interdependent collection of individuals who share responsibility for specific Work teamthree or more interdependent and coordinated must have specified role common Formal group subunits the organization establishes Informal groupdevelop apart from the official structure of the organization and can exist independent of it Descriptive norms tend to do feel or think Prescriptive norms should do feel or think organization Roles set of behaviors expected of a person who occupies a particular position in a group or role concept describes how people perceive the situational forces acting on them role differentiation establishes distinct roles for various members of the group or organization formal specified by the organization and are part of the formal job description informal arise from group interaction rather than from the formal rules of the organization Team cohesion the strength of members motivation to maintain membership in a group and of the links developed among members Tuckman s model of group development FORMING get to know STORMING disagree NORMING close ties and consesnsus PERFORMING do real work ADJOURNING dissatisfaction of close of presentation goals and directions P2 ideas into effect Gersick s punctuated equilibrium model P1 exploring and some conflict Midpoint reevaluates Social loafing reduction in individual effort that occurs when people work in groups instead of alone Free riding employees do less but still share equally in reward Sucker effect outcome which occurs when group members become concerned about holding back and reduce own efforts Brainstorming technique in which all members of a group generate potential solutions effectiveness reduced when production blocking apprehensive about voicing ideas motivated by how good they look when generating ideas Process lossnonmotivational element of a group situation that detracts from groups performance Steiner s law of group performanceactual potential losses due to faulty processes Groupthink mode of thinking that individuals engage in when the desire to agree becomes so dominant in a cohesive group that it overrides realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action antecedents of groupthink groups make decisions that are known to be poor caused by Shared mental modelsorganized structures combining the knowledge beliefs and understanding cohesion biased leadership high decisional stress mind guard of two or more individuals Production employees who produce output front line Management coordinate workers to ensure production Service employees who work together to attend to customers needs project cross functional employees who carry out specific projects are dissolved upon completion CF represent various departments advisory work in parallel to production processes self managed monitor and control the overall process or product distribute tasks to team 3 dimensions of work team effectivenessPerformance attitudes withdrawal behaviors Advantages saves time and money expanded labor market more access to experts disadvantages of virtual teamstime differences cultural technological lower trust performance members Taskwork task oriented teamwork process oriented and job attitudes Teamwork testsituational judgment test in which respondents are provided with hypothetical teamwork situations and asked to select from multiple solutions Dr Hamilton s main result Chapter 13 Leadership social process through which an individual intentionally exerts influence over others to structure their behaviors and relationships French and Raven s five bases of power reward coercive legitimate referent expert R power ability provide valued resources C power ability punish others L power power that results from formal position R power power someone wanting to be like you E power power specialized knowledge or expertise Trait theories identify

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