TAMU MATH 152 - syll

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Math 152 528 530 Course Syllabus Instructor David Manuel Office Hours Official hours M 3 5pm TRF 2 00 3 30pm OBA Contact Points Office BLOC 601J e mail dmanuel calclab math tamu edu OR dmanuel math tamu edu Web Page http www math tamu edu dmanuel Main Office Phone 845 3261 last resort ONLY Course Name Engineering Math II Course Description Differentiation and integration techniques and their applications area volumes work improper integrals approximate integration analytic geometry vectors infinite series power series Taylor series computer algebra Matlab Required Texts Stewart Calculus Early Vectors Preliminary Edition Gilat MATLAB An Introduction with Applications 4th Edition Meeting Times Locations The lecture and lab meeting times and locations are posted at http www math tamu edu courses math152 Prerequisite MATH 151 or equivalent Calculator Policy Calculators will NOT be allowed on quizzes or exams but will be allowed on online homework Course Objectives This course is to provide students with quantitative and problem solving skills of integral calculus power series and 3 D vectors At the conclusion of this course students should be able to I Apply techniques of integration to a variety of applications including engineering applications II Understand and explain convergence of sequences and infinite series III Apply power series to a variety of applications including engineering applications IV Understand and apply vector operations in 3 dimensions including dot and cross product V Use Computer Algebra Systems such as Matlab to solve non routine problems Grading Policy 3 exams 500 points Computer Labs 100 points Recitation Activ 100 points Online HW 50 points Final 250 points Total 1000 points A B C D F 900 1000 800 899 700 799 600 699 0 599 Attendance Attendance of both lectures and labs is important If you must miss class or lab on days something is to be turned in please contact me or your TA as soon as you know I suggest you find a study partner or two to get notes on days you have to miss Completed notes will be posted on my web page IF you do not use these as a substitute to attending class Make up Policy If you miss an exam you must contact me within 48 hours Exams must be made up within 30 calendar days and require appropriate documentation of a university excused absence Make up policy for lab assignments and quizzes are discussed below Scholastic Dishonesty Remember the Aggie Code of Honor An Aggie does not lie cheat or steal or tolerate those who do There will be many opportunities for you to work together in an appropriate manner However each student or team where applicable is responsible for turning in their own unique work During exams and individual activities you are not allowed to receive any kind of assistance from anyone Any instance of scholastic dishonesty will be handled according to the processes outlined on the Honor Code website at http aggiehonor tamu edu Faculty WhatToDo aspx Expectations I expect you to have read the material and stepped through the examples before class and I expect you to treat me with respect You can expect me to be prompt and consistent in grading and treat you with respect Weekly Schedule The tentative weekly schedule is posted on the MATH 152 course homepage at http www math tamu edu courses math152 currentsched html Exams Dates for the exams are Tuesday 27 Sep Thursday 27 Oct and Tuesday 29 Nov 7 30 9 30pm in a location to be announced Content of the exams is available at the weekly schedule linked above Final Exam A comprehensive final exam will be given in HELD 105 on Tuesday 13 Dec 8 00am 10 00pm See http admissions tamu edu Registrar General FinalSchedule aspx Fall 201 1 for full Final Exam schedule Homework Suggested homework is posted on the MATH 152 course homepage These problems are for practice and will not be handed in however quiz and exam questions may be similar to suggested homework problems NOTE If you purchase a student solution manual it is recommended that you do not open it until AFTER you have attempted the question on your own In addition there will be online homework assignments due every Sunday starting 4 Sept at 11 55 00pm NO late submissions accepted You either purchased a Lifetime access code previously meaning you may continue to use WebAssign with this text at no additional charge or you need to purchase a code Lifetime or Semester online The URL for online homework is http www math tamu edu courses eHomework Only the highest 20 homework section grades will be counted 5 of the total grade Recitation Activities Each Monday recitation INCLUDING DAY ONE you will engage in problem solving activities over the previous week s material for graded practice Some problem solving sessions will be entirely in teams and some will be partially team and partially individual Only the highest 10 activity grades will be counted therefore missed recitations may not be made up for any reason Matlabs On Wednesdays you will have weekly computer assignments using MATLAB except for exam weeks Matlab assignments are posted on the MATH 152 course homepage and are due at the BEGINNING of lab on Thursday of the deadline week The first lab assignment will be submitted individually thereafter labs will be done in teams and each team will turn in ONE lab report Only the highest 10 Matlab assignments will be counted so missed labs may not be made up Labs turned in between 5 minutes and 48 hours after the official start of lab will receive a 30 late penalty labs will not be accepted more than 48 hours late for any reason Maplets While not graded there are some very useful Java Applets written in MAPLE which help illustrate and or drill the concepts of this course These are located at http calclab math tamu edu maple maplets Note that you must be using a machine with Maple installed such as those in the Calclabs or Open Access Labs Disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA is a federal anti discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities Among other things this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact Disability Services in Cain Hall Room B118 or call 845 1637 For additional information visit http disability tamu edu Copyright Statement All printed handouts and web

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TAMU MATH 152 - syll

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