MSU ISS 215 - Finish Conflict Perspective and Book review for Exam 1

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ISS 215 Fayyaz Hussain Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Continue Karl Marx III Alienation III Criticism of Karl Marx IV Reading Review Outline of Current Lecture V Finish Conflict Perspective VI Book Review for Exam Current Lecture Conflict Perspective Religion Marx believed we created God as opposed to God created us as a system of religion Religion is used to give people hope Imposed on people by the ruling class Even in modern society you cannot completely detach yourself from religion o Ex No political leader will criticize a religion Marx believe when proletariat are divided they are weak BOOK REVIEW Marger System of Inequality CHAPTER 3 Inequality Trends After WWII In US economy was great because Americans were engaged in war which was in Europe and American cities roads highways were intact America was supplying goods to the war 1960s Recession from war War on Poverty Creation of Medicare Medicaid 1970s Economic recession These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1980s Economic recession 1990s Computer revolution creating rich companies that provide jobs to Americans CHAPTER 5 The middle Class The wealth of people in the upper class own close to half of what the population owns Industrialization created a large number of middle class individuals in the US college education not necessarily needed Post Industrialism business expanded but to create a middle class status you still didn t necessarily need a college education Globalization International investment became possible became service economy bulk of manufacturing is done in other country which benefits from it CHAPTER 7 Stratification Systems Slavery Slavery exists in all countries and civilizations Caste Estate Class Social Mobility Vertical Ex assistant manager at one company to a manager at a different company Horizontal Ex manager at one company to a manager to a different company Determinants of Social Mobility Structural Mobility Individual Mobility a Birth Born into middle class or upper middle class helps to provide a good starting base to succeed b Education Higher education can provide a better starting base for you to succeed rather than someone with only a high school education c Ethnicity d Situational e Luck

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MSU ISS 215 - Finish Conflict Perspective and Book review for Exam 1

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