TAMU BIOL 111 - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Pages 142 148 Metabolism Part 1 1 2 3 4 Energy Enzymes Chemical Reactions Matter Elements atoms a Contains Energy b 5 Electron movement 6 Concentration Gradients Matter Contains Conservation of Energy Energy Results in Chemical Reactions Chemical Reactions via Matter Made up of atoms bonds Bonds are made up of Electron Movement Electron Movement occurs in Chemical Reaction Enzymes speed up Chemical Reactions Energy needed to move molecules etc against Concentration Gradient Concentration Gradients can supply Energy Fig 9 2 Energy the capacity to do work or cause change E mc2 Kinetic Energy energy due to motion Ex Light heat sound Potential Energy energy stored due to position or structure Ex Chemical atomic Measureing Energy Calorie cal amt heat required to raise 1 g of water 1 C Kcal 1000 cal Calorie in food Thermodynamics 1st law Energy and Matter can be transferred but cannot be created or destroyed 2nd law DeltaG Spontaneous Exergonic net release of free energy Products are more stable but w less free energy DeltaG NOT spontaneous Endergonic Absorbs stores free energy Products are less stable but w more free energy Metabolism Chemical reactions in a cell required to maintain life Types of Metabolism AnabolicBuilding molecules requires energy CatabolicBreaking down molecules produces energy Metabolic Disequilibrium If you put reactants in a test tube how long will the reaction run Why o Until equilibrium is reached or until the limiting reagent is used up o It is a closed system dependent upon what is put in Cells are open systems Def When reversible ractions are pulled in one direction due to the constant flow of material in and out of the cell Enzymes catalytic proteins not consumed in reaction Active Site Have precise physical shape for specific reactants substrates Site of catalysis provides microenvironment Changes shape to form induced fit Applies force to break bonds form new bonds Measureing Enzyme activity spectrophotometer o measuers Either transmitted or absorbed light o How Molecules absorb light o Enzymes alter molecules changing their colors Inibitors Chemicals that inactive enzyme activity Competitive bond active site Non competitive bind other site but alters active site Allosteric Regulation Examples Homoglobin 4 polypeptides each bind 02 and CO2 cooperative binding of O2 or CO2 Reversible binding loses affinity Binding of molecule to protein in one site that affects protein function at another site Ex ADP catabolic enzyme activator ATP catabolic Enzyme inhibitor ATP Adenosine Triphosphate Function hydrolysis of ATP provides cell w energy ADP Adenosine Diphosphate AMP Adenosine Monophosphate How does ATP work in the cell 1 Coupled exergonic and endergonic reactions to create overall exergonic DeltaG 2 Transfer one phosphate group from ATP to reactant 3 When phosphate group is displaced work can occur How does the breakdown of glucose yield ATP Systematic transfer Relocation of electrons

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TAMU BIOL 111 - Chapter 8

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