ISS 215 Fayyaz Hussain Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Applause Davis and Moore and Criticism of Social Inequality II Different theories on Social Inequality a Emile Durkheim Max Weber Outline of Current Lecture III Finishing up Max Weber IV Ruling Class V Conflict Perspective and Karl Marx Current Lecture Max Weber on Status All aspects of life determined by a social estimation of honor Restricted pattern of social inclusion Party In every society there are political parties whose members are not equal The people who have the central command in the party are very powerful Every member has the same idea and belief in the system Economic Advantages Those who contribute money to the political party will always get something out of their donation in the end Ruling Class and Elites According to all people in every society around the globe there is a small group of people who can be labeled as elites they are the ones who rule These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Elites in Ancient Societies Roman Empire Egyptian Civilization Old Civilization of China Kings and Queens Elites in Agrarian Societies Agricultural Civilization Those who owned the largest amount of land Elites in Industrial Societies Modern Civilization Those who own large corporations Rich and wealthy people Conflict Perspective Society is a complex system characterized by inequality and conflict that generates social change Theorizes that inequality is not good unlike functional perspective Various parts of social system do not fit together harmoniously Social order is received through force by wealthy class not voluntarily social order Competing goals of individuals lead to conflicts Limited resources lead to conflicts Conflict is the major source of real change in society Karl Marx and Conflict Perspective Background on Karl Marx Well educated individual who believed inequality was not the key to functionalism in a society Believed every single war around the globe had an economic motive behind it Real social change according to Marx only stems from social revolution Evolution of Society Preclass society natural socialism Asiatic society farming communities beginning of inequality and classes Ancient society emperors royal families beginning of extreme inequality slavery Feudal society Europe based on feudal laws and capitalist society Capitalism 1 Cooperation Ownership of land was by communities and villages 2 Manufacture Gradually occupations began to develop and individuals made profit 3 Modern Manufacturers don t own what they manufacture anymore Forces of Production 1 Labor 2 Raw Material 3 Means of Production Capital Money Knowledge Area to Work
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