TAMU MATH 152 - info_2009c_math152_500

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MATH 152 500 INFORMATION SHEET 1 Course Texas A M University at Qatar Science Program Mathematics Department Math 152 500 Fall 2009 Engineering Mathematics II 3 2 Credit 4 The first part of this course covers applications and techniques of integration The second part deals with infinite sequences and series along with an introduction to three dimensional analytical geometry and vectors The class meets three times a week in lecture once in recitation and once in computer laboratory The recitation is designed for you to discuss homework problems with your teaching assistant TA and take written quizzes In computer laboratory you will use the mathematical software package MATLAB on weekly assignments Prerequisites Math 151 or equivalent 2 Classes Lecture Sunday Tuesday Thursday 12 00 12 50 pm in QENG 212 Recitation Sunday 1 00 1 50 pm in QENG 212 Computer Lab Tuesday 1 00 1 50 pm in QENG 213F 3 Instructor Lecturer Art Belmonte arthur belmonte qatar tamu edu Office QENG 171 Phone 423 0232 Class Page http calclab math tamu edu belmonte 2009c m152 html Office Hours Sunday Tuesday Thursday 10 00 11 00 am QENG 171 or by appointment 4 Books Textbook Calculus Early Vectors c 1999 ISBN 10 0 534 49348 3 ISBN 13 978 0 534 49348 3 Authors James Stewart and members of the Texas A M University Department of Mathematics Coverage Chapters 7 11 5 Evaluations Grading A 90 100 B 80 89 99 C 70 79 99 D 60 69 99 F 0 59 99 Type Exams Final Quizzes MATLAB TOTAL Number 4 1 9 11 Weight 60 20 9 11 100 6 Notes 1 This is a second engineering math course with a technology component the mathematical software package MATLAB 2 In addition to hand paper and pencil techniques you will use a TI Nspire CAS Handheld calculator provided to you by TAMUQ ITS In this regard stop by my QENG 171 office as soon as possible to obtain the latest versions of the TNS CAS operating system 1 7 and my TAMUCALC package 6 2 A full set of streaming videos illustrating use of the calculator in Calculus 2 is available on our class web page 3 You will be permitted to use your calculator on quizzes exams and the final subject to rules of engagement 4 Please be on time to class Make sure that you have read the relevant sections in your textbook and lab manual beforehand 5 It is imperative that you spend time doing MATLAB on campus or at home 6 Make ups for exams will be given only in the case of absenses authorized under University Regulations I am not amused by students claiming to be sick or have food poisoning mere hours before a scheduled exam Such lack of maturity is despicable 7 Please bring your ID card to all exams They are given in QENG 212 during lecture time NOTE the time of the final Exam 1 Thursday 10 Sep 2009 covers Chapter 7 worth 15 of your grade Exam 2 Tuesday Thursday 06 08 Oct 2009 covers Chapter 8 worth 15 of your grade Exam 3 Thursday 29 Oct 2009 covers Chapter 9 worth 15 of your grade Exam 4 Thursday 19 Nov 2009 covers Chapter 10 worth 15 of your grade Final Exam Wednesday 16 Dec 2009 11 30 am 1 30 pm comprehensive worth 20 of your grade 8 Also bring your ID card to the final exam It will be given at the time and place stipulated by the University You will be apprised of details well in advance on the web The final is comprehensive and worth 20 of your grade 9 Selected problems from your textbook will be assigned but not graded See the web for details It is imperative that you spend time working these problems When you have questions please ask for help 10 Lectures for each section covered in the textbook are provided via the web This material is copyrighted I grant you permission to make ONE copy of each document for your personal use 11 At all times I expect you to be prepared and to work hard you can expect the same from me Each student will be judged on the individual merit of his or her own work 7 Miscellany The American with Disabilities Act ADA is a federal anti discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities Among other things this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for a reasonable accomodation of their disabilities If you believe you have a disability requiring an accomodation please contact Disability Services in Cain Hall on the Texas A M College Station campus Room B118 or call 1 979 845 1637 or such other number as directed by TAMUQ An Aggie does not lie cheat or steal or tolerate those who do You are referred to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the Web at http www tamu edu aggiehonor

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TAMU MATH 152 - info_2009c_math152_500

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