MSU ISS 215 - Social Inequality, Classical Theories on Social Inequality

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ISS 215 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Social Differentiation II Social Stratification III Types of Stratification Systems a The Caste System b The Estate System c The Social Class System Outline of Current Lecture IV Applause Davis and Moore and Criticism of Social Inequality V Different theories on Social Inequality a Emile Durkheim Max Weber Current Lecture 1 22 14 1 22 14 ISS 215 Lecture 3 Davis and Moore on Social Inequality Claim inequality in a society is functional Around the globe cannot find a single society where there is no inequality it would be a utopian society Businesses have class systems as well certain positions are more important and require more training In every society everybody knows the occupations that earn more respect These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Everybody has means and mechanisms to assign occupational positions Davis and Moore say that people make choices to become that occupation they do so that is the respect class level they deserve Money is the force behind everything Criticism Who is functional and who is not functional What is and what isn t Functional significance is a cultural phenomenon Ex gender women didn t receive a paycheck for their work staying at home taking care of children so it was considered valueless Unequal access to resources people are rich people are poor In a society it s not easy to break the cycle of prosperity between classes If you are born into a class generally you stay in that class The powerful class controls everything in society around the globe ex media education etc including development of favorable self image while blaming the poor class for their own situation When the gap between rich and poor continues to grow it produces conflict rather than integration in society Classical Theories on Social Inequality Emile Durkheim 1858 1917 Two types of societies 1 Mechanical Solidarity small ruler simple traditional simple division of labor o postman teacher doctor few basic jobs Homogenous Similarity of Individuals o Everyone is very similar to each other ex immigrants coming to America were 90 farmers Collective Conscience o More emphasis is put on the family opposed to one s own success Individual Ego not Prominent o Society works as a whole 2 Organic Solidarity large complex modern society Complex division of labor o foot specialist heart specialist so many occupations Differences o Difference race ethnicity cultural background educational background Interdependence o Depend on other individuals to fulfill needs Increased Individualism o Competition succession is generally at the cost of another s failure Dehumanization o Individuals become less important Anomie when social norms break down Most of life is regulated by social norms ex smoking marijuana even though it s illegal vs not coming to class in a bathing suit even though it is legal Durkheim and Social Inequality 1 Division of labor a Complex division of labor will have more inequality 2 Internal and External Inequality a Your own choices and effort vs Impact caused by the system 3 Class Revolution a Whenever there is a revolution based on class inequality will change Max Weber 1864 1920 Bureaucracy vertical vs horizontal associations Impersonality In an organization there are positions that can be occupied by anyone Hierarchy Powerful people and powerless people Written System of Rules Clear Division of Labor Contains precision speed unambiguity knowledge unity produces less friction and is low cost Weber and Authority 1 Rational Legal Authority law of the land ex police officer 2 Traditional Authority group of people who get power over you because of religion ex parents priest 3 Charismatic Authority Individuals who do not have any legal or traditional authority but who have great personal charisma and so people respect them Weber and Social Inequality Classes Position of an individual in the stock market that determines their class position Property Classes Social Classes Commercial Classes People respect you and give you higher status based on your social class Status All aspects of life determined by a social estimation of honor

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MSU ISS 215 - Social Inequality, Classical Theories on Social Inequality

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