MSU ISS 215 - Social Differentiation and Stratification

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ISS 215 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Structural Functionalism II Evolutionary Social Change III Important Historical Figures a August Comte Herbert Spencer Durkheim Talcott Parson Outline of Current Lecture IV Social Differentiation V Social Stratification VI Types of Stratification Systems a The Caste System b The Estate System c The Social Class System Current Lecture 1 15 14 Social Differentiation Two types of differences between individuals in a society biological differences gender age race skin color and manmade items religion language culture likes dislikes Associate some inequality with differences ex claim inferiority because of gender These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Social Stratification System of ranking individuals in terms of their Access to mechanism that is used to achieve what is valuable Possession of have own the things valued by their society Both are required to make an impact on individual benefit Stratification Systems The Caste System Hinduism Born into inequality based on myth To create people God tore apart his body and created different societies based on his body parts The social class you belong in was decided based on what body part you were created from Head Arms Thighs Feet Untouchables The Estate System Europe Nobility Clergy Peasants Lord owned everything within area of estate people included Religious leaders had middle rank lords used them to justify evils imposed on people within his land Social Class System Wealth Education Occupation Ranking in modern society is independent of many things that used to have a larger impact religion The Dimensions of Social Stratifications in the U S Economic Occupation Income Wealth Status Personal Prestige Association Socialization Political American perception on occupation and income is mainly responsible for creating stratification Formal and Informal associations business meeting vs group of peers Bohemian Club private club for rich important powerful men

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MSU ISS 215 - Social Differentiation and Stratification

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