ISS 215 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I No previous lecture Outline of Current Lecture I Structural Functionalism II Evolutionary Social Change III Important Historical Figures a August Comte Herbert Spencer Durkheim Talcott Parson Current Lecture 1 13 14 Structural Functionalism is a framework that sees society as a complex system Suggests society is an integrated whole Interdependency on each other within society Societies ALWAYS have a system Educational social economic political systems Societies will cease to exist without individuals Populations are declining Germany France Czech Republic Poland If population continues to decline there will be no society Growing populations are the ideal situations for society Even criminals who are dysfunctional people are considered functional by the system Without criminals thousands of job functions are lost Judges police officers These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Used as an example to raise children threat Dysfunctional people lead to social integration Acts as a force to unite people against those who are criminals and deviants Any act of this nature makes society think why Evolutionary social change Comparing social habits and lifestyle choices with previous generations change is evident Always resistance to change by older generations Not always going to accept lifestyle of younger people Social Integration through legitimization of social economic and political structure All believed society has life August Comte 1798 1857 Law of Three Stages Theological Stage Metaphysical Stage Scientific Stage Theological Supernatural Ideas Metaphysical Supernatural Ideas with logical reasoning Scientific Hard scientific fact no supernatural ideas Herbert Spencer 1820 1903 Increasing the size of the population will increase complexity and differentiation Differentiation leading to differentiation in structure Durkheim 1858 1917 Inter relationship of parts and the whole Talcott Parson 1902 1979 Socialization and Control societies control individual through informal control social norms and formal social control laws and regulations Adaption to Environment individuals must have friendly relationship with environment and make use of resources made available to you Goal Attainment American Dream Have to have goals and available means to reach those goals Latency Preserve values and cultures for long time maintain patterns Can prolong length of political power by using good policies Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Survival of the fittest Nature has a mechanism that creates a relationship between living organisms and their environment Organisms who are best fitted for their environment will survive and thrive Apply to society those who are best fit for the society will succeed in that society Those who are physically and mentally fit will succeed in human society Point of view of many societies born into social Darwinism or born into that societal class
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