UCLA CHEM 14BL - Concentration of Dye During the Reaction

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Concentration of Dye During the Reaction Start with the variation in concentration during the reaction To generate this graph hold down the left mouse button and highlight the data in column A by dragging the cursor from A2 to A17 Release the mouse button Hold down the Control button to enable multiple data selection Now highlight the data in column C All the data in columns A and C should now be highlighted Release the Control Now go to the menu bar and choose INSERT Select CHART Alternatively you can click on the Chart Wizard icon a histogram if it is in the menu bar at the top of the screen A box appears CHART WIZARD on the screen that gives you all the different choices for graphs You should select XY Scatter Click on NEXT A little tiny graph should appear on the screen This is the preview of the graph Click on NEXT again You now see a table with five different options All you need to modify are the titles and the legends Click on TITLES Type in the title of the graph and also the labels for the axes Remember to add the scaling factor to the y axis label At this point just type 106 we will make the 6 a superscript later Click on LEGENDS and delete the Show Legend check mark Click on NEXT There is one last thing that EXCEL needs to know before it can generate the graph It wants to know where you want to put the graph Click on AS NEW SHEET This means you want EXCEL to plot the graph on a separate sheet of paper otherwise EXCEL will plot the graph and print the data on the same piece of paper Like in the sample data sheet but not how you want it for your lab report Click on Finish to complete the graph Congratulation you have just finished plotting a graph using EXCEL Your graph should look almost like the one on the next page Using other features in EXCEL you can now manipulate your graph to conform with standard scientific practice There are three things to adjust the color of the main area of the graph the size of the fonts for the labels and title and the superscript for the scaling factor 1 The first thing to do is to change the background to white so that you can more clearly see your data which is the important feature of the graph Move your cursor to the gray background and double click A pop up window titled Format Plot Area will appear Under the Patterns tab change the color of the Area from gray to white 2 To change the font size of the title or the axes double click on the label Select the tab labeled Font to make any changes you wish 3 To change a portion of the text in a label or an axes single click on the label you want to change A box will appear around the label then click again You now can change the text For the exponent in the concentration label highlight just the 6 in the number 106 Then right click and select Format Axis Title You will now get the same menu as in 2 to change this number to a superscript Your graph should now look like the one on the next page Select SAVE and send it to the printer 4 CONCENTRATION OF DYE DURING REACTION 14 00 12 00 6 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 0 00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 TIME sec Plots of the data as first order and second order reactions To return to your data select the tab at the bottom of the screen called Sheet 1 Repeat the process above to graph the data in column D as a function of time In addition to the adjustments you made for the first graph one additional item is needed in this plot You need to move the scale for the x axis to the bottom of the graph The default position for EXCEL is 0 on the yaxis Place your cursor on the y axis grid line It will show boxes at either end Under the Format menu choose Selected Axis and then select the tab Scale Change Value X axis Crosses at from 0 to 4 0 This will place the scale in the correct place on the graph Calculation of the order of the reaction From the three graphs you can conclude that the reaction is first order in Brilliant Blue FCF because the plot of ln Dye vs time is linear Let s push EXCEL just a little further to do one more calculation for us in getting to the rate constant Return to Chart 2 the plot of ln dye vs time On the menu bar select Chart and then Trend Line Under the tab Type select Linear The regression line will appear Now double click on the line and under the Format menu select Selected Trendline Under Format Trendline select the Options tab Check Display equation on graph Once you have the equation on the graph you can select it move it and increase the font as you have done for other labels and text When you have finished plotting all the graphs complete the following selfevaluation form and turn it in to your TA BEFORE you leave the computer room 5 Name TA Need More Practice Mastered Able to use EXCEL to input data properly Able to use EXCEL to perform mathematical operations on a data set Able to COPY PASTE EDIT data in the EXCEL spreadsheet Able to manipulate column formats in EXCEL Able to use Chart Wizard in EXCEL to generate graphs Able to put in titles and axis labels on graphs Able to manipulate axis scales and gridlines on graphs 6

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UCLA CHEM 14BL - Concentration of Dye During the Reaction

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