UCLA CHEM 14BL - Syllabus

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Chemistry 14BL Course Information Spring 2002 Instructor Arlene A Russell russell chem ucla edu Office Hours Monday 4 5pm Tuesday 8 9am Young 1039 or 1225 if a larger room is needed Lecture Monday 2pm Lab various times Young Hall Court of Science 50 1049 1067 Young Hall Virtual Office Hours Chem 14BL will use the Department of Chemistry s Virtual Office Hour web site VOH for posting report guidelines and office hours on the Internet The address is http voh chem ucla edu Lecture Schedule April 1 Introduction Equipment April 8 Measurements Concentrations April 15 Recrystallization Melting point determination April 22 Beer s Law April 29 Midterm Exam 1 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June 3 Acid Base Equilibria I Acid Base Equilibria II Spreadsheets Memorial Day no class Midterm Exam 2 Lab Preparation and Pre lab Reports You must be prepared for the experiment before you come to lab if you wish to complete the experiment in the time allotted The course is impacted 1 there is neither make up time in the course nor space for you to work in other sections You must to do your lab work in your scheduled period In preparation for the lab you should first study the pertinent sections in the text review the lecture notes pertaining to the experiment then view and possibly review the appropriate videotapes for any new techniques to be used in the experiment Following the instructions in the posted report guidelines write the introduction procedure including a reference to the original source and a flow chart summary of the experimental steps MSDS information about the chemicals you will be using and data tables for the experiment in your notebook before the lab section meets You are also required to complete the pre lab study questions in your lab notebook before the section meets During lab you will complete the data tables and record any other observations about the experiment The duplicate copy of this pre lab and in lab work is to be turned in to the TA at the end of the lab period No credit for the pre lab work will be assigned after its due date Post lab Reports The remainder of the lab report the data analysis error analysis and conclusions are to be completed in the lab notebook after the experiment is finished The duplicate copy of this portion of the report is turned in to the TA at the start of the following lab period along with any graphs that have been prepared on fine grid millimeter graph paper Unexcused late post lab portions of the reports will accrue a penalty of five percent of the grade per day No reports will be accepted after 5 00 p m on June 7 2002 Computer programs used to analyze data must be referenced and copies may be requested by the instructor Cheating Plagiarism Dishonesty All cases of cheating plagiarism or dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Students All work that you submit for grading must be your own work Group reports must acknowledge the individual contributions of each person if the work has been shared Bulletin Board The course bulletin board is located on the wall across from the vending machines on first floor of Young Hall Report guidelines will ONLY be available on the 14BL VOH Virtual Office Hours homepage 1 2 The last day to drop Chemistry 14BL is April 12 Available on line at http www oid ucla edu Webcast Chemistry index html Required Texts Chemistry Experiments for Life Science Majors 2nd Ed Russell Burgess Publishing 1999 Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques A Microscale Approach 3rd Ed Pavia Lampman Kriz and Engel Saunders College Publishing 1998 Recommended Text Peter Atkins and Loretta Jones Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight 1st or 2nd Ed or any other equivalent general chemistry text Safety Goggles and Protective Clothing Eye protection must be worn in all laboratories whenever any laboratory work is in progress Recommended safety goggles may be purchased from the Undergraduate Chemistry Fraternity AXE4 Room 1275 Young Hall Other styles of goggles are available at local bookstores A full length lab coat closed toe shoes and long pants must be worn when doing experimental work You will be barred from the laboratory if you are not wearing appropriate protective clothing Latex gloves will be provided for those experiments using chemicals that are hazardous to skin Laboratory Notebooks Laboratory notebooks designed for duplicate records are available from the Undergraduate Chemistry Fraternity AXE Young Hall 1275 and the student store All experimental data and complete reports must be recorded in this laboratory notebook Grading Distribution Prelab Assignments Lab Reports Technique CPR writing 3 10 each Exams 2 50 each Lab Protocols Total Lab Maintenance up to 80 100 20 30 100 30 360 5 per day To receive a passing grade C you must receive at least 50 of the points in each of the six grading areas Lab protocols include but are not limited to attending lab on time and completing the work in the assigned time leaving your work area and the equipment you use clean and in a condition that the next person can begin work observing safe practices in the lab timely submission of lab work and appropriate contribution to group work and reports Labs instrument rooms and lab areas left in a condition that prevents the students in a section from beginning their work in a timely manner will also result in a penalty of 5 points assessed against students who were assigned to the area in question in the previous section Grading Detail Week Lab Activity 1 2 Expt 1 3 Expt 2 4 Expt 4a 5 Expt 4b 6 Expt 4c 7 Expt 3a 8 EXCEL 3 4 Pre lab Asst Lab Report 20 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 Points Technique Writing Asst Exams 10 10 50 35 15 10 5 Both books will be used in 14CL also AXE only accepts personal checks AXE DOES NOT accept cash or credit cards 10 9 10 Overall Expt 3b Extra Credit Lab Protocols Totals 10 15 80 100 5 30 50 50 30 100 Course Grades Chemistry 30AL grades are based on demonstrated mastery of the material and the lab procedures Normal grade assignments are A B C D F 90 100 80 90 70 80 60 70 60 Plus and minus grades may be assigned if appropriate

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UCLA CHEM 14BL - Syllabus

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