WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 2

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1 A neuron is a an organ b a cell c an electrical charge d a molecule 2 Use the numbers corresponding to the following terms to fill in the paragraph A THRESHOLD B AXON HILLOCK C DENDRITES D NEUROTRANSMITTER E RECEPTORS F REUPTAKE G AXON H VESICLES Information is received by the electrical signals are summed and if potential is fired from the of the neuron These incoming is reached an action This electrical impulse then travels down the When the action potential reaches the axon terminal the to fuse with the membrane thus releasing molecules of into the synaptic gap These molecules fit into on the receiving neuron The chemicals are then cleared from the synaptic gap by 3 The function of a dendrites b axons is to speed the conduction of the neural impulse c neurotransmitters d myelin 4 Morphine is an opiate which fits into our receptors for endorphin Morphine is an endorphin a reuptake inhibitor b agonist c antagonist d blocker 5 The brain and the spinal cord are the two components of the a sympathetic nervous system b somatic nervous system c central nervous system d autonomic nervous system 6 If an electrode stimulates the foot area in your left motor cortex a the right foot will move b the left foot will move c both feet will become numb d nothing will happen 7 Which of the following is the most recent technology to view both the structure and functioning of the brain a fMRI b PET c CT d EEG 8 Damage to which brain area will cause certain death a Thalamus b Amygdala c Cerebellum d Medulla 9 An apple is presented to the right visual field of a split brain patient You ask the patient what do you see What is the patient s reply a I don t know b Nothing c An apple d Something round but I don t know what 10 In most people language abilities reside in which hemisphere a Left b Right 11 Which of the following is not true about a neuron a A neuron is a cell b Neurons are found only in the brain c A neuron has an axon d A neuron has dendrites 12 THC the active ingredient in marijuana activates the receptors for anandamide a naturally occurring chemical in the body THC is an anandamide a Agonist b Antagonist c Facilitator d Pacifist 13 Most neurons in our nervous system are a sensory neurons b motor neurons c interneurons d all types of neurons are equally distributed in the nervous system 14 Amanda is hiking when she encounters a bear Suddenly her heart begins to beat faster and her breathing quickens as her body prepares to react to the threat Which division of Amanda s nervous system causes this fight or flight response a The central nervous system b The somatic nervous system c The sympathetic nervous system d The parasympathetic nervous system 15 The 2 hemispheres of the brain communicate via the a limbic system b medulla c cerebellum d corpus callosum 16 An instant before you wiggle your right finger which area of the brain will become active a Right motor cortex b Left motor cortex c Right sensory cortex d Left sensory cortex 17 Which brain structure is most involved in memory formation a Amygdala b Frontal lobe c Hypothalamus d Hippocampus 18 Myelinated neurons conduct action potentials unmyelinated neurons a faster than b slower than c at the same rate as 19 Reuptake is the process by which a neurotransmitter is manufactured and transported down the axon b neurotransmitter is returned to the axon terminal from the synaptic gap c segments of the axon return to resting potential d enzymes in the synaptic gap break down neurotransmitter 20 A is a bundle of axons a b c d neuron nerve nerve cell myelin bunch 21 Antipsychotics which are used to treat schizophrenia block dopamine receptors Antipsychotics are dopamine a reuptake inhibitors b agonists c antagonists d accelerators 22 Which type of neuron contacts with and sends information to muscles and glands a Sensory neuron b Motor neuron c Interneuron d All of the above 23 Which type of neuron both receives information from other neurons and sends information to other neurons a Sensory neuron b Motor neuron c Interneuron d All of the above 24 Which division of the nervous system is responsible for initiating the fight or flight response a Sympathetic nervous system b Parasympathetic nervous system c Somatic nervous system d Central nervous system 25 The spinal cord has the ability to respond to certain stimuli without input from the brain a True b False 26 People with spinal cord injuries will continue to show simple reflexes the area of injury a above b below c above and below d neither above nor below 27 Which of the following is an X Ray of the brain a EEG b CT c MRI d PET 28 Which of the following measures activity of the brain using radioactive glucose a fMRI b CT c MRI d PET 29 Which of the following has the best resolution to view structures of the brain a EEG b CT c MRI d PET 30 All incoming sensory information except smell synapses in the a Cerebellum b Reticular formation c Thalamus d Medulla 31 Which of the following is most involved in our level of alertness a Cerebellum b Reticular formation c Thalamus d Medulla 32 Which structure is most involved in balance and coordination a Cerebellum b Reticular formation c Thalamus d Medulla 33 Which structure is most involved in emotion a Cerebellum b Amygdala c Hippocampus d Hypothalamus 34 Which structure modulates our basic functions such as hunger thirst and body temperature a b c d Cerebellum Amygdala Hippocampus Hypothalamus 35 Which cortical area is most involved in judgment and planning a Frontal lobe b Parietal lobe c Occipital lobe d Temporal lobe 36 A moment before I pick up a pen with my left hand neurons in the side of motor cortex will become active a left b right c left and right 37 Split brain patients have had the axons of their severed a frontal lobe b parietal lobe c left hemisphere d corpus callosum 38 A split brain patient is shown an apple in his left visual field only When asked what the object is he will say I don t know but he will be able to choose the correct object from behind a curtain using his hand a left b right c either left or right d He will not be able to choose the correct object regardless of which hand he uses

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WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 2

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