LMU NURS 115 - Lesson Plan: Foundation of Nursing & Nursing Proscess

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1 Lincoln Memorial University Caylor School of Nursing Nursing 115 Fall 2008 UNIT I LESSON PLAN Foundations of Nursing and Nursing Process DATES TIMES See Class Schedule OBJECTIVES Upon completion of Unit I the student will demonstrate mastery of the following objectives in clinical campus laboratory in individual and group conferences and on written materials the ability to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 8 08 Discuss health definitions and concepts Discuss the role of nursing in stress reduction and management Discuss the effects of culture on adaptation Discuss Roy s Adaptation Model and four adaptive modes Discuss each component of Maslow s hierarchy of needs Discuss ways of ensuring culturally competent nursing care is being provided Discuss the impact of spirituality on the development of the nursing plan of care Identify nursing interventions which promote and maintain the health of the individual as a member of the family and the community Identify members and roles of the health care team Discuss delegation of nursing care Discuss ways the nurse can assess the spiritual needs of a patient to determine spiritual health or spiritual distress Define critical thinking and discuss its importance in nursing Define and describe the five steps of the nursing process Summarize the use of the nursing process in assisting patients in problem solving Discuss the components of the nursing assessment Identify the various types of nursing assessments List and discuss the steps of the nursing diagnosis process Compare objective and subjective data Describe how to write a nursing diagnosis statement three parts and two parts List the purpose and benefits of the nursing care plan Describe the process of planning identifying goal statements and prioritizing patient needs Describe evaluation its purpose and its relation to other steps in the nursing process Describe the role communication plays in the nursing process Distinguish a social relationship from a therapeutic relationship Identify the guidelines for effective documentation Identify the purpose of the patient s record Identify the abbreviations and symbols commonly used for charting Identify ways to maintain confidentiality in the healthcare setting Compare and contrast therapeutic versus non therapeutic communication Discuss the use of the nursing process in the development of a teaching plan Identify factors which affect patient learning Recognize common lab and diagnostic terms as well as standard values 2 TOPICAL OUTLINE I Health Concepts A Health of the Individual Family and Community 1 Maslow s Hierarchy of Human Need 2 Roy s Adaptation Model 3 Family 4 Community B Cultural Diversity 1 Cultural Variations 2 Cultural Competent Healthcare C Health Concepts Affecting Health 1 Health Illness and Wellness 2 Models a Agent Host Environment b Health Illness Continuum D Stress 1 Maintaining Homeostasis 2 Effects of Stress 3 Stress Management Techniques E Spirituality 8 08 II Promotion of Wellness and Illness Prevention A Models of Health and Illness B Nursing Care as Prevention C Health Care Team 1 Roles 2 Delegation III Nursing Process A Characteristics B Steps in the Nursing Process 1 Assessment a General condition in Assessment 1 Stimuli 2 Behavior b Lab and Diagnostic Test Values in Assessment c Types of Nursing Assessment d Data Collection e Data Communication f Documentation 2 Nursing Diagnosis a Comparison with Medical Diagnosis b Formulation of Nursing Diagnosis c Documentation 3 Planning a Outcome Identification b Stages of Planning c Prioritization d Identification and Communication of Outcomes 3 4 5 e Documentation Implementation a Types of Nursing Interventions b Implementation of Plan of Care c Documentation Evaluation a Measurement of Outcome Achievement b Modification of Plan of Care c Documentation IV Critical Thinking in the Nursing Process A Definition B Purpose C Means of Development of Critical Thinking Skills V Communication in the Nursing Process A Forms of Communication B Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Relationships C Communication Skills D Plans of Care 1 Institutional and Agency Plans of Care 2 Student Plans of Care 3 Concept Map Care Plan VI Teaching in the Nursing Process A Factors Affecting Learning B Utilizing the Nursing Process in Patient Teaching VII Development of a Nursing Plan of Care Practice REQUIRED READINGS Ackley B Ladwig G 2008 Nursing diagnosis handbook A guide to planning care 8th ed St Louis MO Mosby chap 1 Fischbach F Dunning M 2006 Common laboratory diagnostic tests 4th ed Philadelphia Lippincott pp 208 215 251 256 573 586 Roy s Adaptation Model Overview found in online LMU Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook 2008 2009 Taylor C Lillis C LeMone P Lynn P 2008 Fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins pp 16 18 chap 2 chap 3 chap 4 pp 160 161 chap 11 17 chap 21 pp 509 524 chap 32 chap 36 Taylor C Lillis C LeMone P Lynn P 2008 Study guide to accompany Fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Readings to coincide with above chapters 8 08 4 CLINICAL SKILLS 1 Utilize factors related to cultural competency spirituality and stress management when caring for clients in the clinical area 2 Utilize principles of growth and development when caring for clients 3 Utilize the nursing process to provide care to selected patients experiencing common health problems 4 Utilize the nursing process to write a nursing care plan applying the Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing 5 Utilize critical thinking principles in the planning delegation and prioritization of nursing care 6 Identify principles of learning 7 Utilize opportunities to teach 8 Utilize basic therapeutic communication skills 9 Utilize basic skills of observation recording and reporting with assistance 10 Correctly document nursing assessments and interventions utilizing appropriate abbreviations and or symbols 11 Create a teaching plan reflective of the patient s needs age culture and religion 12 Recognize common lab values Ex CBC electrolytes urinalysis etc HANDOUTS 1 2 3 4 8 08 Erikson s Eight Stages of Development Introduction to the Roy Adaptation Model found in the online LMU Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook 2008 2009 Therapeutic Communication Techniques Common Laboratory Values 5 Erikson s Eight Stages of Development Basic Trust vs Mistrust

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LMU NURS 115 - Lesson Plan: Foundation of Nursing & Nursing Proscess

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