UCLA CHEM 14BL - asp2_voh

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CHEM14BL Winter 2005 Report Guidelines for Week 2 of the Aspirin Experiment Experiment 4b Pre lab MUST be written inside your lab notebook I On line Technique Videos For This Experiment Click on the title below to download the video require Real Player 1 Laboratory Safety this video was shown on the first day of the lab 2 Melting Point Determination If you have trouble downloading the videos go to the following Web site and click on the appropriate title to download the video http oid ucla edu Webcast Chemistry Guides for Writing Lab Reports II Pre lab Report Guidelines Week 2 ONLY i ii iii iv Title Reference of procedures Introduction Procedures flow chart format see 57 under week 2 Note only construct procedural flowchart for Titrimetric Analysis of the Acid in Aspirin Melting Point of Aspirin No need to construct procedural flowchart for Mass Spectral Analysis No need to construct flow chart for procedures under Week 3 v MSDS information The following chemicals will require you to use the MSDS database on the Web see Lecture Syllabus Aspirin You should record the following MSDS information in your notebook for the chemicals listed above Printouts directly from the Web pages will NOT be accepted a b c d e Product Name Chemical Formula Formula Weight Melting Point Boiling Point and Density Health Hazard Data summarize in your own words f Spill and Disposal procedures summarize in your own words CHEM14BL Winter 2005 Report Guidelines for Week 2 of the Aspirin Experiment Experiment 4b Pre lab Report MUST be written inside your lab notebook II Pre lab Report Guidelines Week 2 ONLY Continued vi Pre lab study questions Must show all work for FULL credit Complete ALL problems under week 2 only on p 56 vii Data observations start a new page for this section Set up tables but leave blank You MUST record all the observations into your lab notebook during your lab sessions You will NOT receive any credit for your lab technique if you only record the weight of the chemicals for this experiment CHEM14BL Winter 2005 Postlab Report Guidelines for Aspirin Experiment Part 2 This is an INDIVIDUAL Report Post lab report MUST be written inside your LAB NOTEBOOK except for graphs A Abstract summarize results and outline the lab technique that you used in the lab to purify and analyze the final product B Data Observations see p 59 under Analyses Orderly record of data Data tables should have proper titles labels C Data Analysis MUST SHOW ALL WORK FOR FULL CREDIT Calculate the recrystallized yield Calculate the average purity from all the trials of your titrations D Error Analysis MUST SHOW ALL WORK FOR FULL CREDIT NOTE Refer to chemistry 14BL lecture guide on errors propagation or your post lab report 2 part 1 of the vinegar titration experiment Calculate the inherent error in purity for ONE of your trials You Must identify each term in the error analysis E Conclusions summarize results again Based on the value of the experimental melting point as compare to literature value what can you conclude in terms of the purity of the product Explain Note Read pages 93 102 in Techniques in Organic Chemistry by Mohrig and others for concepts in melting point theory If your purity is greater than 100 explain why If your purity is less than 50 explain why

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UCLA CHEM 14BL - asp2_voh

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