WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 15

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CHAPTER 15 1 The Fundamental Attribution Error refers to our tendency to underestimate the impact of influences and to overestimate the impact of influences on the behavior of others a normative informational b informational normative c dispositional situational d situational dispositional 2 Philip Zimbardo devised a simulated prison and randomly assigned college students to serve as prisoners or guards He ended the experiment early because the students began to take on their assigned roles as if they were real This experiment best illustrates the impact of a team membership on social loafing b groupthink on social conflict c frustration on aggression d behavior on attitudes 3 Fernando s favorable attitude toward capital punishment began to change when he was asked to offer arguments opposing it in a college debate class His attitude change is best explained by a cognitive dissonance theory b social exchange theory c attribution theory d foot in the door phenomenon 4 The tendency for people to exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal is known as a deindividuation b group polarization c social loafing d the foot in the door phenomenon 5 In politics bipartisanship is very important Having members of both parties on committees helps to keep democrats and republicans from drifting farther apart For instance if a committee on environmental issues were made up of only democrats their views would be strengthened simply by meeting and discussing issues they agree on This effect which can be avoided by having bipartisan committees is called a deindividuation b group polarization c cognitive dissonance d social facilitation 6 After an exciting football game in which the home team loses by one point a crowd of fans throws bottles and begins to tear up the field This behavior is best understood in terms of a deindividuation b group polarization c cognitive dissonance d social facilitation 7 Milgram s experiment on obedience in which the subjects were teachers told to shock learners when a mistake was made taught us a fundamental lesson that a people are naturally predisposed to be hostile and aggressive b even ordinary people who are not usually hostile can become agents of destruction c the desire to be accepted by others is one of the strongest human motives d people value their freedom and react negatively when they feel like they are being coerced 8 Alicia insists that her boyfriend s car accident was yet another example of his carelessness She ignores the fact the another car had swerved into his lane and caused the accident Alicia has provided us with an example of a b c d the bystander effect a situational attribution the foot in the door phenomenon the fundamental attribution error 9 Attribution theory was designed to account for a the process of revealing intimate aspects of ourselves to others b social facilitation and social loafing c the loss of self awareness that occurs in group situations d how people explain others behavior 10 Attitudes are that guide behavior a norms and roles b beliefs and feelings c superordinate goals d dispositional attributions 11 The foot in the door phenomenon refers to the tendency to a neglect critical thinking because of a strong desire for social harmony within a group b perform simple tasks more effectively in the presence of others c comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request d lose self restraint in group situations that foster anonymity 12 Most people are likely to be surprised by the results of Milgram s initial obedience experiment because the a teachers actually seemed to enjoy shocking the learners b learners made so few learning errors under stressful circumstances c teachers were more obedient than most people would have predicted d learners obediently accepted painful shocks without any protest 13 Expert pool players were observed to make 71 percent of their shots while alone When 4 people watched them they made 80 percent of their shots This best illustrates a the foot in the door phenomenon b the bystander effect c group polarization d social facilitation 14 Individuals who believe that the death penalty should be abolished meet to discuss the issue Research on group interaction suggests that after discussion the individuals will be a even more convinced that the death penalty should be abolished b convinced that the death penalty should be retained c sharply divided over whether the death penalty should be abolished d in favor of a more moderate position on the issue 15 A successful leader must listen to opposing views to his or her own in the interest of making correct and rational decisions Sometimes leaders make mistakes in foreign policy which seem absurd to us This could be due to the fact that among the leader and his her advisors the desire for harmony within the group can override rational decision making This is called a groupthink b group polarization c deindividuation d social loafing 16 If you want to borrow 100 from your friend it s best to start off borrowing smaller sums from your friend because you know that if a person agrees to a small request that person is more likely to agree to a larger request later This is an example of a cognitive dissonance theory b dispositional attributions c situational attributions d foot in the door phenomenon 17 What are 2 factors as discussed is class and in your text which will increase conformity Factor 1 Factor 2 18 What were 2 of the conditions in Milgram s experiment which elicited the highest level of obedience as discussed in class and in your text Condition 1 Condition 2 19 To discuss to issue of going to war democrats have a meeting and republicans have a meeting The democrats and republicans come out of their meetings feeling even more strongly about those issues upon which the 2 parties do not agree This is best explained by a deindividuation b group polarization c cognitive dissonance d social facilitation 20 Bob s boss Ms Pitman berates him for a minor mistake Bob tells his wife about it later that night saying I can t believe Ms Pitman got so angry over a minor mistake She must have been having a really bad day This is an example of a a common attribution error b dispositional attribution c fundamental attribution error d situational attribution 21 Barbara asks Melissa to borrow 50 and Melissa says no Barbara later asks Melissa to borrow 10 and Melissa agrees to this smaller amount After lending

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WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 15

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