1 Lincoln Memorial University School of Nursing Nursing 115 UNIT II LESSON PLAN Nursing Process and Roles DATES TIMES See Class Schedule OBJECTIVES Upon completion of Unit II the student will demonstrate mastery of the following objectives in the clinical campus laboratory in individual and group conferences and on written materials 1 Complete the Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Exercises at the end of each chapter 2 Define and describe the five steps of the nursing process 3 Utilize critical thinking skills in planning and implementing nursing care 4 Discuss the components of the nursing assessment 5 List and discuss the steps of the nursing diagnosis process 6 Compare objective and subjective data 7 Write a patient diagnosis statement using a three part statement problem etiology and defining characteristics signs and symptoms 8 Explain what makes a written nursing diagnosis correct or incorrect 9 List the purpose and benefits of the nursing care plan 10 Develop a nursing care plan from a nursing assessment 11 Discuss the differences between dependent independent and interdependent interventions 12 Correctly document nursing assessments and interventions 13 Describe evaluation its purpose and its relation to other steps in the nursing process 14 Discuss the importance of quality assurance as a part of the evaluation process 15 Describe the interrelationship between communication and the nursing process 16 Describe the role communication plays in the performance of nursing care measures 17 Distinguish a social relationship from a therapeutic relationship 18 Discuss the role of recording and reporting in health team communication 19 Identify ways to maintain confidentiality 20 Describe the purpose of discharge planning as well as the components of discharge planning used in providing continuity of care 21 Discuss the goals of therapeutic communication and describe the role these techniques play in the performance of nursing care measures 22 Discuss basic teaching learning principles 23 Compare teaching strategies appropriate to domains of learning and ageappropriateness 24 Describe the process of planning identifying goal statements and prioritizing patient needs 2 25 Summarize the use of the nursing process in assisting patients in problem solving 26 Differentiate the factors that determine the readiness to learn from the ability to learn 27 Explain what is involved in creating and implementing a teaching plan 28 Compare the teaching learning process with the nursing process 29 Select appropriate teaching methods when teaching patients in the clinical area 30 Describe the core competencies essential to nursing practice 31 Identify habits which assist in the development of technical competencies 32 Identify the abbreviations and symbols commonly used for charting 33 Describe the purpose of patient records and the legal guidelines for effective documentation TOPICAL OUTLINE I CRITICAL THINKING II NURSING PROCESS UTILIZING THE ROY ADAPTATION MODEL A Assessment 1 behavior 2 stimuli B Nursing Diagnosis C Planning D Implementation E Evaluation III COMMUNICATION A Methods of communicating with Health Team Members 1 Reporting 2 Recording B Therapeutic Communication III TEACHING AND LEARNING A Definitions and Purposes B Basic Learning Principles C Basic Teaching Principles IV DOSAGE CALCULATIONS A Metric Apothecary and Household Systems of Measurement B Drug Preparations and Equipment to Measure Doses C Calculations of Oral Medications Solids and Liquids REQUIRED READINGS Ackley B Ladwig G 2005 Nursing diagnosis handbook A guide to planning care 7th ed St Louis Mosby Ch 1 3 Buchholz S 2006 Henke s med math dosage calculation preparation administration 5th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Ch 4 6 Taylor D Lillis C LeMone P 2005 Fundamentals of nursing The art science of nursing care 5th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Ch 11 16 21 23 Taylor D Lillis C LeMone P 2005 Study guide to accompany fundamentals of nursing The art science of nursing care 5th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Ch 11 16 21 22 AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS Harrogate Hiwassee BRMC SMMC COV1 FV1 FV2 V7 V7 V7 V11 V19 V19 Harrogate Harold Finley Resources Center Library Focus on Nursing Process 5 Titles Nurse Patient Relationship The Workup and NANDA Nomenclature The What and Why of Nursing Diagnosis CLINICAL CAMPUS LABORATORY SKILLS 1 Utilize the nursing process to provide care to selected patients experiencing common health problems 2 Utilize the nursing process to write a nursing care plan applying the Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing 3 Utilize critical thinking principles in the planning delegation and prioritization of nursing care 4 Identify principles of learning 5 Utilize opportunities to teach 6 Utilize basic therapeutic communication skills 7 Utilize appropriate channels and methods of communication 8 Utilize basic skills of observation recording and reporting with assistance 4 THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES Therapeutic Technique Example Using Silence Accepting Yes Uh Hmm I follow what you said nodding Giving Recognition Good Morning Mr S You ve tooled a leather Wallet I notice that you ve combed your hair Offering Self I ll sit with you awhile I ll stay here with you I m interested in your comfort Giving Broad Openings Is there something you d like to talk about Where would you like to begin Offering General Leads Go on And then Tell me about it Placing the Event in Time Or Sequence What seemed to lead up to When did this happen Making Observations You appear tense Are you uncomfortable when you It makes me uncomfortable when you Encouraging Description Of Perceptions Tell me when you feel anxious What is happening What does the voice seem to be saying Encouraging Comparison Was this something like Have you had Similar experiences Restating Patient I can t sleep I stay awake all night Nurse You have difficulty sleeping Reflecting Patient Do you think I should tell the doctor Nurse Do you think you should Patient My brother spends all my money and 5 then has the nerve to ask for more Nurse This causes you to feel angry Focusing This point seems worth looking at more closely Exploring Tell me more about that Would you describe it more fully Giving Information My name is Visiting hours are My purpose in being here is Seeking Clarification I m not sure that I follow What would you say is the main point of what you said Presenting Reality I see no one else in the room Your mother is not here I m a nurse Voicing
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