Stanford EE 133 - FM Demodulation

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1 Prelab 4 FM Demodulation EE133 Prof Dutton Winter 2004 EE133 Prelab 4 FM Demodulation 1 Introduction From a very high level we can describe the operation of the PLL as simply the inverse of the VCO operation So whereas the VCO outputs a signal whose frequency varies as a function of the input voltage the PLL outputs a voltage whose size varies as a function of the input signal frequency After Lab 2 you should have a sense of how the VCO is able to perform its function if not please review the handouts on VCO s this will be important to understanding the PLL Now let s look at how the PLL is implemented Please refer to Figure 2 in the course of this discussion At the heart of the PLL is a VCO In fact the VCO is nearly identical to the LM566 which you used in Lab 2 I told you it would be important The rest of the PLL is nothing more than a feedback loop placed around the VCO so that it can be automatically adjusted to replicate the frequency of the incoming signal The feedback loop is straightforward as well The first element moving left to right in the diagram is a phase comparator Essentially this is just a multiplier and is in fact represented by the multiplier symbol in the diagram which takes as its inputs the incoming signal and the output of the VCO Assume for the moment that each signal is a square wave of a single frequency but that the frequencies of the two are not the same Then when they are multiplied together the result is a train of pulses whose widths vary in time as a function of the frequency offset between the two signals Integrating this pulse train which is the job of the low pass filter that follows the phase comparator yields a slowly varying signal whose amplitude at any instant in time is proportional to the width of the pulses at that time and by transitivity to the frequency difference between the signals This signal gained up by an amount A is then used to adjust the VCO output until the VCO and input signal are at the same frequency At that point there will be a constant phase difference between the two yielding a constant DC voltage from the integrator that locks the VCO at the correct frequency Note that the input voltage which locks the VCO is actually the output of the PLL it is a voltage whose amplitude is proportional to the frequency of the input Now if the input is not at a single frequency but instead is FM modulated so that its frequency changes in time according to some modulating signal then the PLL output voltage will be changing in proportion to that frequency variation and will therefore resemble the modulating signal Presto FM demodulation Transmitter Receiver Audio Amp XO BNC to ANT BNC to ANT XO VCO LM566 Mixer SA602 Power Amp LNA Mixer SA602 IF Amp BNC to Speaker PLL LM565 Tank Colpitts Osc Figure 1 Roadmap for Lab 4 Prelab 4 FM Demodulation EE133 Prof Dutton Winter 2004 2 2 The Phase Locked Loop To provide you with a feel for the operation of the phase locked loop you will simulate the phase locked loop using the SPICE deck that has been provided on the server The deck is a behavior model of the PLL found in the HSPICE manuals You are expected to test the model with the various different input signals that have been commented out in the SPICE deck These inputs are A sinusoid at the free running frequency of the VCO fmod fV CO A sinusoid greater than the free running frequency of the VCO fmod fV CO A sinusoid less than the free running frequency of the VCO fmod fV CO For the three input signals at 1MHz 0 99MHz and 1 01MHz do the following 1 Using the Spice deck from the web plot the transient output that appears on vcontrol the output voltage and record its final DC value 2 For each of the three locked conditions plot the input signal vin and the signal from the output of the VCO vvco on the same page Change the x axis so that you are only looking at the signal from 195us to 200us This will allow to get past the startup transient and will also allow you to see greater detail 3 Comment on the final DC voltage of the output for each of the three input signals Do they agree with the expected results 4 Comment on the phase difference between the input signal and the VCO output for each of the three inputs Are they what you would expect 3 FM Demodulation using the PLL If a FM signal is fed as input to a PLL the output voltage of the PLL will vary according to the frequency variations in the FM signal But the instantaneous frequency of an FM signal varies according to the voltage of the modulating signal As a result the output voltage of the PLL becomes a scaled version of the modulating signal What we have achieved therefore is demodulation of the FM signal 1 Using the SPICE deck change the input to the FM input and plot the transient on vcontrol the output voltage of the PLL for a FM input Be sure to change the transient time in the tran statement Your simulation should take about 5 to 10 minutes What is the frequency of the output obtained Is it the same as the frequency of the waveform encoded in the FM input signal 2 Calculate the total harmonic distortion of the demodulated signal 4 Using A Practical PLL the LM565 To use the LM565 for FM demodulation we set the free running frequency of the PLL to be equal to the carrier frequency of the FM signal so that frequency variations modulation of the input signal will not exceed the loop lock range Pins 4 and 5 should be joined for our purposes The demodulated signal is obtained from pin 7 through a coupling capacitor to remove any DC offset From the LM565 datasheet you can find that the free running frequency of the LM565 can be set by the timing resistors and capacitors as well as many other useful pieces of information on the 565 1 Read the LM565 datasheet 2 Using a timing capacitor of 100pF and supply voltage of 9V choose a value for the timing resistor required for a free running frequency of 300kHz 3 Prelab 4 FM Demodulation EE133 Prof Dutton Winter 2004 3 Compute the hold range for our PLL Is this sufficient for our f 50kHz from Lab 3 4 What is the Loop Gain KD KO for your design We desire the Loop Bandwidth to be greater than 100kHz so we will place a 330pF capacitor from pin 7 to Vcc to act as a Lag Compensator if you remember control theory Verify that this is the correct choice for C 5 Build the circuit in Figure 2 for lab You will …

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