10 28 13 Human Development 3 PSYC 100 Fall 2013 Announcements Final Exams Scheduled You can see your nal exams schedule on UDSIS i clicker A 3 year old Devin plays in the sand for the rst Ime He tries to scoop and throw it just like he always has played with water in his bathtub This is an example of A assimilaIon B accommodaIon 1 10 28 13 i clicker A young child likes to explore her parents house through touch One day she touches the oven and burns her hand She learns that although some objects are safe to touch ovens are not A assimilaIon B accommodaIon i clicker In Florida a 7 year old girl was found to have su ered much of the same types of neglect and abuse that Genie su ered Given the Florida girl s age you would expect that she A also will not recover as brain structure is set in infancy and cannot be changed B might have more recovery than Genie because she is younger than Genie was when she was found C is likely to completely recover because brain structure is not set unIl late adolescence D will de nitely recover because today unlike during Genie s Ime we have learned how to repair synapIc connecIons Sensorimotor Stage 0 2 years Infants ac vely construct understanding of world Big milestone is object permanence Understanding that objects conInue to exist even when they cannot be seen heard or touched 2 10 28 13 Preoperational Stage 2 7 years Children begin to use symbolic thinking BUT reasoning is based on intuiIon Do NOT understand the law of conserva9on Centra9on Concrete Operational Stage 7 12 years Logical reasoning replaces intuiIve reasoning if applied to speci c concrete examples 3 10 28 13 Formal Operational Stage 12 years Individuals move beyond concrete operaIons and think in more abstract and logical thinking Children solve problems by trial and error whereas adolescents think more like scienIsts Language Development h p www ted com talks patricia kuhl the linguisIc genius of babies html Vygotsky s Sociocultural Theory Emphasizes culture and social interacIon Knowledge is constructed through interacIon with other people Zone of Proximal Development 4
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