WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 8

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1 Most stimulation in your environment is taken in by your a short term memory b sensory memory c intermediary memory d long term memory 2 Your limited capacity working memory is called a short term b implicit c explicit d long term memory 3 George has learned the sentence My Very Earnest Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets as a way to remember the names of the nine planets The use of this acronym best illustrates the value of a imagery b chunking c rehearsal d the method of loci 4 Conscious repetition of information is an example of a automatic processing b rehearsal c priming d chunking 5 If you don t know the answer to a test question continue then come back to it later This method is useful because other test questions may aid your memory by providing a encoding devices b automatic processing devices c retrieval cues d rehearsal 6 This multiple choice exam is a test of a recognition b cued recall c recall d source amnesia 7 Mary comes to class everyday but she does not read the text and she does not take notes in class When she receives a failing grade on the final exam she says I guess I forgot the material Where did Mary s forgetting most likely occur a Information never made it into sensory memory b Information never made it into short term memory c Information never made it into long term memory d She is experiencing a retrieval failure 8 Over time retention of material a remains level then suddenly drops off b remains level then gradually declines c declines then levels off d remains the same 9 Mike performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if he studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if he crams for 2 hours the night before the test This best illustrates a the serial position effect b state dependent memory c the spacing effect d priming 10 Meredith has amnesia Yesterday she practiced a puzzle Today she completes it much more quickly yet she has no memory of ever seeing the puzzle before Meredith has lost the ability to form new memories while retaining the ability to form new memories a implicit explicit b explicit implicit c short term long term d long term short term 11 Which of the following is essential to transfer information from sensory memory to short term memory a Rehearsal b Retrieval cues c Attention d Repetition 12 After finding her friend s phone number Katie was able to remember it only long enough to dial it correctly In this case the telephone number was clearly stored in Katie s a short term memory b implicit memory c sensory memory d long term memory 13 The a b c d is necessary to form new explicit memories hypothalamus amygdala hippocampus frontal lobe 14 As a guilty defendant Bob vehemently denies his guilt He lies describing over and over the events that occurred the night of the murder swearing that he will find the real killer so that justice may be served Eventually Bob actually comes to believe that he is not the killer This is best explained by a the misinformation effect b the imagination effect c source amnesia e the prison effect 15 All sounds which your ears are able to detect are registered by a sensory memory b working memory c short term memory d long term memory 16 We retrieve information from long term memory for processing in a sensory memory b working memory c intermediate memory d long term memory 17 Repeating a list of words to be memorized over and over again is an example of a automatic processing b rehearsal c mnemonics d chunking 18 What is required to transfer information from short term memory to long term memory a Automatic processing b Attention c Rehearsal d Retrieval 19 Which of the following can cause you to forget information a Inattention b Lack of rehearsal c Retrieval failure d All of the above can cause forgetting 20 Short term memory is also known as a sensory memory b intermediate memory c working memory d rhythmic memory 21 Tristan is angry with Bill Suddenly Tristan remembers many things Bill has done in the past to make him angry Tristan s recall of angry memories when he is angry is due to a mood congruent memory b misinformation effect c imagination effect d source amnesia 22 In court the prosecutor of an armed robbery suspect asks the witness tell me what you saw when the defendant attacked Miss Roberts The defense attorney objects the judge sustains the objection and the prosecutor rephrases her question Tell me what you saw transpire between the defendant and Miss Roberts The concern here is that the witness memory may be altered by the use of an inflammatory word like attack In psychology this effect is called a the misinformation effect b the imagination effect c source amnesia e the prison effect 23 The process of retrieval refers to a the persistence of learning over time b the organization of information into manageable units c getting information out of memory storage d conscious repetition of information to be remembered 24 Which of the following are examples of rehearsal a Discussing terms you learned in class with a friend b Repetition of terms and definitions c Re writing your class notes d All of the above are examples of rehearsal 25 The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system is called memory a sensory b state dependent c long term d flashbulb 26 Automatic processing involves a unconsciously deleting information from the memory system b a tendency to recall emotionally significant events c the effortless encoding of certain types of information d all of the above 27 Effortful processing can only occur with a implicit memory b conscious attention c visual imagery d chunking 28 When first introduced to someone Marcel effectively remembers the person s name by repeating it to himself several times Marcel makes use of a strategy called a chunking b automatic processing c the next in line effect d rehearsal 29 Taped information played during sleep is registered by the ears but is not remembered This illustrates that the retention of information often requires a proactive interference b chunking c priming d effortful processing 30 Memory aids that involve the use of vivid imagery or clever ways of organizing material are called a semantic techniques b iconic traces c organizational cues d mnemonic devices 31 In order to remember a list of the school supplies she needs Marcy mentally visualizes each item at a certain location in her house Marcy s tactic vest illustrates the use of a the spacing effect b state dependent memory c the serial

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WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 8

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