Midterm Review Fall 2011 Basics Time and place usual 331 SMI 11 00 AM 12 15 PM Bring a Calculator NO laptop NO cell phones NO other electronic devices Coverage Everything through Chapter 6 including the notes on simulation experiments Closed notes closed book Formula sheet 8 21 11 sheet both sides Other Questions Practice Problems Look at the HW Problems Look at the HW Solutions gives ideal for getting partial credit Examples covered in lecture notes Examples in your textbook e g p 103 Example 3 44 Gives a good practice problem for the Binomial distribution Tables to Know Standard Normal Distribution Table 3 p 675 676 t Distribution Table 4 p 677 Warning I highlight some of the main topics below Of course you are responsible for everything covered in lecture and HW assignments Populations and Samples What is the target population Is the sample truly a random sample from the population Is the sample representative Exploratory data analysis Distinguish categorical numerical data Display distributions describe their shape Boxplots determine Q1 median Q3 detect outliers Calculate the mean and standard deviation don t forget to var Discrete Random Variables Formula for the mean and variance Be able to compute questions given a probability table Standard Problem Consider a random variable X defined by the following distribution k P X k 0 0 1 1 0 5 5 0 1 1 Compute P X 5 2 Compute P 5 X 6 3 Compute E X Var X and SD X 10 0 3 Binomial distribution Given the description of a random variable Y determine whether it has a binomial distribution or not If information is available give n and p The BInS assumption p 104 105 See p 110 Example 3 50 Know the mean and variance formulas for the Binomial Carry out probability calculations with B Know how to approximate B with N possibility of the continuity correction Normal distribution Carry out probability calculations IP Y a IP Y a IP a Y b and quantile calculations IP Y p IP Y p Use the transformation Z Y Sampling Distribution of p Know the expected value and variance Also see related questions from HW Sampling Distribution of Y if Y1 Yn have mean and standard deviation then Y has mean standard deviation n Y N if Y1 Yn N In any case Y still N when n is large Confidence Intervals one sample Construct and interpret a confidence interval for a population mean Construct and interpret a confidence interval for a population proportion Determine a sample size necessary to achieve a given precision Remember interpret Confidence Interval for a Population Mean y tSEy s SEy n Interpretation Example Conclusion We are 95 confident that the average daily milk yield of a cow in the herd the cows were sampled from is between 30 6 and 41 8 lbs Confidence intervals for proportions y 2 p n 4 r and SEp A 95 confidence interval for p is p 1 96 SEp p 1 p n 4
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