REL 137g 1st Edition Lecture 25 Current Lecture Muslim Brotherhood Hasan al Banna the founder Thought that previous movements were not sufficient This group alone is not able to combat all problems in Islam Tangibles and intangibles Colonialism Prestige that comes with power Ideas alone will not work Al Banna sets out to bring some sort of organization that will increase numbers Young Men s Muslim Association Commitment to social services Conservative about women s roles Al Banna didn t want his followers to identify with the colonialists Clerics to not equal Islam The largest and most influential organization of Muslim activists in the world Al Banna assassinated in 1949 Did not lead to the demise of the Muslim Brotherhood Began a series of confrontations with the Egyptian government Sayyid Qutb Would become the major ideologue for the Muslim brotherhood Out outstrip Al Banna himself Alienation from society resulted in radicalism Arrested tortured and hanged for subversion for writing In the Shade of the Qur an and Milestones Ex communication takfir Muslim governments ex communicated for torturing other Muslims Muslim Brotherhood doctrines Jahiliyah The pre Islamic era when men usurped the power of God Hakimiyah Divine authority Only law is God s law sharia Taking rule away from men and giving it back to God Jihad Struggle to be obedient under God s will Introduces the notion of Islamic vs the West Important to distinguish non Muslim does not equal un Islamic
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