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Social Construction
the process by which a concept or practice is created and maintained by participants who collectively agree that it exists.
Structural Inequality
The bias that is built into the structure of organizations, institutions, governments or, social networks. Structural inequality occurs when the fabric of organizations, institutions, governments or social networks contain an embedded bias which provides advantages for some members and ma…
an integrative perspective that emphasizes the intersection of several attributes, for example, gender, race, class, and nation
Argues that the character istics of persons or Groups are largely similar in all human cultures and historical periods, since they are significantly influenced by biological factors
Eugenics is the study of methods to improve the human race by controlling reproduction.
Biological Determinism
A general theory holding that a group's biological or genetic makeup shapes its social, political and economic desitny
A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to one person or group of people
Describing behaviors as a result of a mental illness
Not having a direct interest or bias
Theory that identity (particularly gender) is created and continually reasserted through repetitive bodily acts, gestures, and behaviors.
The process of turning people into things, or commodities, for sale; an example is the commodification of women’s bodies through advertising and media representations.
Bechdel's Test
1. Are the two female characters with names? 2. Do they talk to each other? 3. Do they talk about something other than men? tests for misogyny in films
Micro level analysis
Focuses on the day-to-day interaction of individuals and groups in specific social situations.
Meso level analysis
Intermediate level, i.e. school, workplace, ethnic subcultures, organizations, corporations, etc.
Macro level analysis
Large scale social structures in order to determine how they affect the lives of groups and individuals
de-subjugated knowledges
bringing to light the different pushed down perspectives and experiences of different groups of people
* media turns people into objects
cultural appropriation
the process by which other cultures adopt customs and knowledge and use them for their own benefit Ex.) sports teams using Native American tribal names
The study of knowledge and justified belief
racial formation
sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed and destroyed.
gendered nature of women's and men's bodies
women's bodies are controlled by norms, regulation of reproduction, and patriarchal focused society-wear high heels, tight clothes etc men-look tall, tough and strong
is a social system in which the role of the male as the primary authority figure is central to social organization
A discrimination or distinction; specifically, a perceived deviation from the assumed cultural, economic, or sexual “norm”
The notion that states no two people attach precisely the same meaning to the messages around us
Social Location
The social features of one’s identity incorporating individual, community, societal, and global factors such as gender, class, ability, sexual orientation, age, and so on. Identities that we embody that shape our privilege.
multiple identities
in different social situations we assume different roles, which dictate different reactions to events and paths of actions
a system of concepts and relationships that guides an individual or large group
Normative values
Societal norms, beliefs, and values that encourage and reinforce what society deems to be morally or ethically correct and proper (ethics, moral philosophy)
Media Representation
Overwhelming facts have shown that what the media shows does NOT reflect the realities of the world ex: sitcoms
The shared social, cultural, and historical experiences, stemming from common national or regional backgrounds, that make subgroups of a population different from one another.

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