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things about being manly
welfare queens
people who collect welfare by fraud or manipulation
welfare warriors
people who still get medicaid even after they are off the welfare program: not using it unfairly
Picture Brides
a practice that a guy would go to labor camps and show men a book of pictures of Japanese women like male order brides...caused sex-slave trafficking
global sisterhood
Deconstructing gender difference: sisterhood / groupness cannot be assumed
reproductive justice
idea that all women and men have the right to have they children they want as well as not have the children and pregnancies they don't want, includes affordable access to safe birth control including abortion
legal doctrine that grants married women no rights independent of their husbands
gendered state
(what is sounds like obvi) also abortion is a women's issue and is not being taken care of, the female gender is not being addressed or represented.
gendered citizenship
-practical participation means much more than just voting
-2 years for rape of a black woman, 5 for latina, 10 for white -slave cannot be considered raped because they are property -indian is dirty, so rapable -only a "pure" body can be raped -learned helplessness (battered woman syndrome) -rape trauma syndrome(lack of reporting)
mulitracial feminism
ocular vs specular
ocular- of or pertaining to the eye: try to see what you are looking at specular- of or pertaining to a mirror: seeing others as a reflection of ourselves
their voice to affect things around them, shape things to their lifestyle
multiple narratives
multiple narratives
matrilineal vs matriarchal
-matriarchal: women are in charge, women have contro, hierarchy of top down women over men - matrilineal: there is no society where woman have the power over men in the same way that men have the power over women in a patriarchy -these two terms are NOT equal -you always belong to your…
double burden thesis
burden of being a minority race AND a woman
add and stir
saying there are women [in power] who are just like men, instead of looking at the structure
cult of true womanhood
piety: religiosity purity: sex was for procreation, not supposed to enjoy sex domesticity: we must be able to clean and cook submissiveness: different from collaboration
intimately oppressed
married women's status in society = that of a slave, slavery is a metaphor for marriage
private/public spheres
public decency versus what you do at home
global sisterhood
women are not homogenous, women's issues are not universal, global sisterhood erases different cultural experiences
freedom summer
intersection between students rights movement and southern civil rights movement
aint i a woman
they are as able as a man(ability), but are still treated like such a gentle flower that needs to be helped down from a carriage etc
Orientalism vs. Exoticism
Orientalism: Already making assumptions Exoticism: Walking into the unknown
Republican Motherhood
-women denied a reasonable education but trained in social artificialities -women responsible for the moral characteristics of the choldren for progress -education of women is reliative to that of men
Seneca Falls convention
big convention held by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton 3 major resolutions 1 women wanted equality before the law 2 equality in workplaces 3 equality in political rights (vote) 3 words 3 resolutions
Suffrage movement;
The movement organized around gaining voting rights for women, 1920.
first wave
1800-1900 -suffragists
second wave
1960-80s -equality through reforming the currents system focus on individual rights and freedoms, changing state policies
second wave
1960-80s -equality through reforming the currents system focus on individual rights and freedoms, changing state policies
third wave
90's -diverity and intersectionality -pstmodernism -ecofeminism -post colonial -psychoanalytic
fourth wave
are we in a fourth wave -social media wave
privitization of the costs of social reproduction, along with the care of human depepndency needs through personal responsiblity exercised in the family and civil society -shifts costs from state agencies to individuals and households
stereotype of an African-American woman as an overweight caretaker of white people
The Jezebel
This image shows the African woman as sex-starved who was childishly promiscuous and consumed by lustful passion
hyde amendment
govt won't pay for abortion -eroding of the right
what is coverture, to whom did it apply?
limiting women's rights after marriage: applied to women
in her article, 10 reasons to rethink reproductive choice
1.Choice resonates most with women who see themselves as having choices; not with those who don’t. 2.Choice homogenizes reproductive experiences. 3. Choice has not included the right to have children. 4.Choice disconnects abortion from the rest of women’s lives. 5.Choice is a con…
cont from marlene firend thisng
5.Choice is a conservative framing. 6.Choice is a market concept. 7.Choice is individualistic. 8.Choice focuses only on women’s reproductive decisions. 9.Choice lacks moral force. 10.Choice is not the vision needed to mobilize a broad and inclusive movement. Reproductive Justice …
2 competitve narratives between civil rights and feminism
civil rights: the white male and female vs black males and females feminism: males vs females
discursive representation of immigration and global sisterhood
representing something throuhg the ways we talk about it :supression of heterogeneity of people who immigrate :we say that global sisterhood-all women are the same essentially, so we eradicate individuality and promote sameness
Mohanty question
1) it's not taking. Into account that black and white women don't have similar experiences. Western ideals placed on other countries 2) there is no intersectional analysis
second wave
1960-80s -equality through reforming the currents system focus on individual rights and freedoms, changing state policies
third wave
90's -diverity and intersectionality -pstmodernism -ecofeminism -post colonial -psychoanalytic

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