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Halogenation of Benzene
X2, FeX3 or I2/CUCl2 Adds an X (Br or Cl)
Nitration of Benzene
HNO3 and H2SO4 heat Adds Nitro Group (NO2) H2SO4 acts as catalyst
Sulfonation (fuming sulfuric)
Reversible due to entropy, concentrated acid Adds SO3H group SO3/H2SO4 and heat Reversible: benzene + H2SO4 = benzenesulfonic acid + H20
-Diluted acid -Benzenesulfonic acid + H2O + H2SO4 = benzene + SO3
Friedal-Crafts Alkylation
Adds an R group NO RXN: NH2, NHR, NR2 RCl and AlCl3
Limitations of Friedal-Crafts Alkylation
Remember carbocation rearrangement No strong deactivators (withdrawing groups) No amino groups (NH2, NHR, NR2) Be careful polyalkylation (alkyl groups are activators) Can't stop at mono sub
Acyl Group
Friedal-Crafts Acetylation
Solves problems of Alkylation Attaches acyl group (COR) Catalyst AlCl3
Advantages of FC Acetylation
No polyacylation No carbocation rearrangement Disadvantage: No amino groups and strong deactivators
The acyl chloride
SOCl2 Turns carboxylic acid into necessary acyl chloride reagent
Gatterman-Koch Formation (Form benzaldehyde)
Forms benzaldehyde CO/HCl and AlCl3/CuCl No strong deactivators or amino groups
Clemmenson Reduction
Reduces Acetophenone to Carbon chain (reduces aldehydes and ketones to carbon chain) Zn(Hg) and HCl No alkene, alkyne, alcohol, amine
Reduction of Nitro group into Amino group
NO2 -> NH2 Zn, Sn, or Fe and HCl
Activating Substituent
Ring more reactive (faster) ALWAYS Ortho/Para directors Electron donating group (Negative, wants to start a fight, make a reaction) Electron pair on atom bonded to ring
Deactivating Substituent
Ring less reactive (slower) Meta directors are always deactivating Electron withdrawing group (Positive wants to stop the reaction) + charge or partial + on atom bonded to ring
Addition/ Elimination
AED (Addition, elimination, deactivating group) Withdrawing group ortho/para to leaving group Nu (2 eq) heat, pressure Nu (OH-, RO-, NH3,), OCH3- 1 Eq
Elimination/ Addition
(EAND) No Deactivating/W Group O/P Form benzene in mechanism Nu = OH-, RO- NH2 = mixture 1) NaOH (2 eq)/ 340/ 2500 psi 2) H3O+ NaNh2/ NH3 (I)
Chlorination of Benzene
3 Cl2 / heat Pressure 8 diff stereochem 6 Cl around a hexane
Catalytic Hydrogenation (3H2 / 1000 psi / 100) and Ru or Rh (Pt, Pd, Ni)
Benzene -> cyclohexane
Birch Reduction
Na or Li and NH3(I) / ROH Withdraw = sp3
Side Chain Oxidation
KMnO4 / H2O and OH-/100 Na2CrO7 / H2SO4 and heat Oxidizes to carboxylic acid
Halogenation of side chains
Cl2/ light (mix of Cl on side chain) Br2/light (Br added to carbon closest to benzene ring) Aromatic activated use NBS
Nucleophilic Subs of Benzylic Halides
SN1, SN2, E2 depend on conditions CH3OH/heat = SN1 NaI/acetone = SN2 CH3CH2O- / Na+ = E2
Rxns of phenols similar to alcohols
NaOH turns OH to O- RCO2H or RCOCl (fischer estherification) PBr3 = No RXN
Oxidation of Phenols to Quinones
Na2Cr2O7 and H2SO4 Forms Diels Alder
Formation of Salicylic Acid
From phenol 1) NaOH 2) CO2 3) H3O+
Oxidation of Alcohols (Secondary)
Na2CrO7 and H2SO4/H2O Jones (CrO3/H2SO4/H2O acetone) PCC and CH2Cl2
Oxidation of alcohols (primary)
PCC/ CH2Cl2 Isolates aldehyde Jones forms carboxylic acid
Cleavage of Alkenes by Ozonolysis
1) O3 2) (CH3)2S
Hydration of alkynes
H2O/ H2SO4 and HgSO4 (Hungry ketone) 1) Sia2BH 2) H2O2 /OH- (Silly aldehyde)
Dithiane Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones
1) BuLi 2) R - X 3) H3O+ and HgCl2 BuLi = CH3(CH2)2CH2Li Halide must be methyl or primary
Ketone from Carboxylic Acid
1) R' - Li (2 eq) 2) H3O+ (first make salt)
Ketone from nitrile
R-CN -> ketone 1) R' - MgX 2) H3O+
Aldehydes from Acid Chlorides
LiAlH(OtBu)3 H2/Pd/BaSO4/S Replaces Cl with H
Ketones from Acid Chlorides
(R')2CuLi Replaces Cl with R' group
Aldehydes and Ketones: Formation of Cyanohydrins
-CN and HCN NaCN and H+ Attaches a CN
Aldehydes and Ketones: Addition of primary amines
RNH2 and H+ Non-aq favors product Aq favors reactant
Acetyl formation
2(CH3CH2OH) and H+
1. Carboxylic acids to acyl chlorides 2. Alcohols to acyl halides
1) SOCl2 2) SOCl2 (if R-OH) or (COCl)2 (benzoic acid)
Addition of Hydrides
1. LiAlH4 (adds an H to ketone) 2. H3O+ (protonates)
Catalytic Hydrogenation
H2, Raney Ni Reduces everything (even double bonds)

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