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3 Principles of Ethics
1. Do no harm 2. Informed Consent 3. Anonymity
coming from more than one voice
3 Meanings of culture
1. Sophistication 2. Group of people 3. Set of ideas, values, practices Basically is a socially learned behavior
learning culture by growing up in it
learning a different culture
Cumulative culture
builds on itself (think of technology)
science of anthropology
participant observation
being in presence of others when studying them
Franz Boas
father of american anth studied Inuits Fought much racism and hierarchy of field (savage, barbarian, civilized)
reflect upon process of gaining knowledge- did your presence change culture? AKA methods section
Social grooming hypthesis
talking to maintain relationships when groups grew larger Theory of language
Sapir Whorf Hypothesis
language constrains our perception of the world
Universal grammar
grammar evolves to make language easier
Lingua Franca
common blend of languages of two languages from two different groups
2 languages borrow from each other Sucessful example is Creole
Linguistic chain
gradual shift from language to language
Historical particularism
cultural traits shouldn't be assessed on a racial basis, but simply by the history of the people
socially constructed relation between mating, birth, nurturance
formalizes sexual relations, legitimizes children born from union
relations based on birth
Bilateral descent
from both mother and father
unilineal descent
from either mother or father, can be matrilineal or patrilineal
traced back to specific person
believe in relations, but cannot trace back
Fictive kinship
"brothers" in war, fraternity bros, etc
3+ people
sexual dimorphism
physical difference between males and females, leads to greater sexual competition humans have less
Reverse dominance
how egalitarian societies function Xmas in Kalahari article People weren't nicer, checks were just more severe
Illegitimate power
perception of legitimacy
groups based on kinship, gender, etc for political organization ex. lineages or clans
Complementary opposition
2 subgroups that defend each other in disputes - all subgroups unite against external enemies
seasonally moving animals to graze
short use of force with limited goal
ongoing hostility, may be never ending
violent, large scale conflict
identity fusion
in soldiers especially
Economy made up of
production exchange consumption
Generalized reciprocity
immediate return not expected, believed it all balances out
Balanced reciprocity
immediate return expected
Negative reciprocity
getting something for nothing - stealing
Redistributional Economic Exchange
through centralized institution
leaders give away goods to redistribute wealth
Regional Symbiosis
groups located with different resources have to work together, chiefs become centralized leaders **why chiefdoms go beyond tribes**
Eating Xmas in the Kalahari
social and material egalitarianism Exchange
Tricking and Tripping
prostitution in Atlanta Fieldwork - must provide support to subjects (buy groceries, childcare) Ethical components (illegal activities, etc)
Language Shapes Thought
language influences way we perceive world cardinal directions, linearity of time
Race Without Color
sexual selection to blame for skin color differences, but there are evolutionary & genetic differences no real categories, or too many to bother races based on lactose intolerance, geographic differences
Arranging Marriage
thinking anthropologically, ethnocentrism
Lost Tribes of Amazon
no uncontacted peoples, only people who have limited contact bc of negative history (disease)
Brothers in arms
identity fusion in Libyan revolutionaries
without a centralized political authority (of bands)
Politics, wealth, subsistence, size, status of Bands?
Politics: acephalous, consensus Wealth: egalitarian Subsistence: Foraging Size: 20-50 Status: Egalitarian
Politics, wealth, subsistence, size, status of tribes?
Politics: consensus, big men (sodalities) Wealth: approx egalitarian Subsistence: forage, horticulture, pastoralism Size: hundreds Status: more status differentiation
Politics, wealth, subsistence, size, status of Chiefdoms?
Politics: chief, political authority Wealth: some wealth differences Subsistence: more towards agriculture Size: thousands Status: explicit status differences
In a matrilineage, only the female children will inherit from the mother. True or False
False: ALL children of FEMALES will inherit. Only females' children will pass on though
Imagined community
people in same community believe they are tied together, although not everyone knows each other ex. Txgiving ties all Americans together, BBall games tie Huskies together

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